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My teacher_1500字

admin 初一英语作文 2020-05-04 19:33:18 teacher 写人作文 初一

  I’m a sixth grade student, I almost graduation, I want to through this story tell everybodys my authen-tc my school.

  My Primary school’ s name is call Jellick and my school is beatiful, because we have best teachers, the teacher is our archetype, at school we learn lots of knowledge , such as teacher us not indepentent, let us not dependent our parents, teacher teach us endeavor will be success.

  My school is not really rigor, that we can have fun, at my school we have party, fun day,crazy day ….(so on) we have lots of gala.

  My school have a garden, it is lots of flower, Such as sunflower, bean, but bean is not flower, the bean still at garden, the bean taste really good, If you want to try, you could seed by yourself.

  I would like to say my teacher”Thank you, Mrs. Buck and Mrs. Drrow, you help me a lots “

  I will reluctant my teacher, friends and my school. Thanks my school, school let us learn lots of kno-wledge.

初一:彭莹 Ying

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