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寒假英语:寒假的日子800字作文 - 英语热点作文

admin 事件作文 2021-12-24 08:18:00 寒假作文

  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编收集整理的`寒假英语:寒假的日子800字作文 - 英语热点作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

  Lots of things in the winter vacation is like pieces of colorful fireworks. Happy and like pieces of falling snow lightsome, I carefully picked up one piece, that is my most memorable a meaningful thing.

  It is a fine day in winter, my mood as the weather is good, too. I told dad "the gauntlet" - see who playing chess under high level. To begin with, I shortly after the father died, so I put the two bulbs are used to eliminate the pawn, father died when I happily to eradicate the, only heard daddy said happily: "my Lord!"

  I rush to see my teacher, the other side of the gun is to take our handsome, I look to the help of covered her eyes, but my photograph is not move; I have to move the location of the handsome, the right of the position occupied by car, so we have to move to the left, "see this safe!" Just at that moment, I saw my father horse jump, my handsome will live again. At this moment, I, the front-runner, into also can not, back to back also don't go, just accept to give up.



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