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admin 其他话题 2022-03-30 08:18:00 经历作文


英语旅游经历作文 篇1

  We bought a ticket, they sat on a long distance bus to Fuzhou, along the way beautiful and beautiful: tall and straight as the loyalty of the warrior stands in the roadside; birds flying freely in the sky, his mouth from time to time to send a pleasant song; In the white clouds of different shapes, some like mighty lions; some like clever little monkeys; some like a group of sheep in the sky walk. I do not feel the lunch time, we get off, they went to "McDonald's" to eat.

  After lunch, we came to the Fuzhou Zoo. "Look, the sea lion show began!" I cried. We barely put on a hillside and stood to watch. I saw a sea lion agile with the neck accurately set the trainers thrown out of the circle, and then climbed the stage, continuous beat their forelimbs, we met the sea lion that lovely look, can not help but laugh.

  After watching the sea lions show, we went to the north "monkey mountain" forward. We have gone for a long time, have not arrived yet. "How have not arrived - ah !!" I impatiently called up. "Come on," said the uncle. And went a long long road, we went to the "monkey mountain". A monkey comes back and forth between the tree and the tree. Especially the gibbon, hands holding the roots, feet swing, gibbon in the air to a three hundred and sixty degrees big circle, pedestrians met have applauded it, it seems like this, and continuous turn several Circle. We have a "monkey mountain", to the beast arena. The monkey "Three Musketeers", riding their own bike back and forth circle, antelope "snow", "the rookie" a tiger jumped the fire ring, won the audience's warm applause; And "Three Musketeers" boss "blowing snow" in the air to take the wire; bear couple for us to perform a bike chase, and won the audience applause. After watching the arena of the program, we will be reluctant to go home.

  Today, although I am very tired, very happy.

英语旅游经历作文 篇2

  One day in the winter vacation, my grandpa went to Nanjing to travel.

  Accompanied by my grandfather in Nanjing, we went to visit the Sun Yat-sen. Got out of the car I saw the magnificent mausoleum of the mausoleum, in the scenic area of the top of the archway Mr. Sun Yat-sen wrote "fraternity" two characters. Into the area, there are many visitors, the elderly, students, there are many young people, some of them in the camera, and some in the grass to rest, and some climb in the steps along the steps. Sun Yat-sen from the arch to the memorial hall has more than 390 step steps, although the weather is cold, but we crawled crawling on the hot, the clothes are off. I climbed very tired, but I did not stop, still hard work, perseverance to climb, and finally climbed to the top. We line up into the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, which has a statue of Mr. Zhongshan, realistic and vivid. On both sides of the wall is also engraved with Mr. Zhongshan's revolutionary deeds of relief, and Mr. Zhongshan's handwriting of the Kuomintang program. After the church is a circular tomb, is Mr. Sun rest place. Everyone is very quiet, for fear of disturbing the great man. Sun Yat-sen is the precursor of the revolution, leading the Revolution of 1911 to overthrow the emperor's feudal rule, advocated "the world is the public", we have to commemorate him.

  Then we went to the Purple Mountain Observatory, it is China's own established the first modern astronomical research institutions. Take the ropeway, we came to the Observatory, where there are many ancient astronomical instruments, there are muddy days, seismographs and so on. There is also the statue of the first observatory. My ancient astronomy is very developed, there are astronomers and his party, Zhang Heng. Zu Chongzhi and others. We also visited the modern astronomical instruments, there are large astronomical telescopes, it can see the sunspots, you can see the naked eye can not see the stars, we also saw the precise timer, can be accurate to billions of seconds. Grandpa said astronomical knowledge is difficult to learn, when the astronomer is difficult.

  We finally went to Ming Xiaoling. There is the tomb of the emperor of the Ming dynasty. Inside the stone people, stone horse is very large, there are more than thirty tons of stone, I sat on the nose also took a photo. Ming Xiaoling great, next to the plum blossom mountain, playing a day to play but to. I am tired of the real walk, and had to reluctantly left.

  This day, I have seen a lot, I have a great harvest!

英语旅游经历作文 篇3

  This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.

  In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn't believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious. After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day

  In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn't feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday



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