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admin 其他话题 2016-12-13 08:18:00 鲁迅作文

  I woke up at half past eight this morning. Then i got up and had breakfast. Yesterday with you, i want to go to Wuzhen and the former residence of Lu Xun play. So , i got up early. I first went to the former residence of Lu Xun play. The facilities in the room, the decoration, the bed, the chair are all in ancient times. There is a big wall out here. Write "the hometown of Lu Xun".After visting the former residence of Lu Xun, i went to Wuzhen by through train. I spent 1.5 hours on the road. I came to Wuzhen, i feel that i came to Yunnan. Here is a water Village style. People go boating. Unfortunately, although the weather is good. The light of the sun is very strong. I am going to get a tan. It is still hot. I have got my back on my back. To travel once may have to pay the price of the United states !

  意思:我今早在八点半的时候就醒来了。 然后,我起床吃了早餐。昨天跟你们说好了,我今天要去乌镇和鲁迅的故居游玩的。所以,我早早的就起来了。我首先去了鲁迅的故居游玩。屋子里面的设施,摆设,床,椅子,全都是古代的.样子。在外面还有一面很大的墙。写着“鲁迅故里”。接着参观完鲁迅故居后,我坐直通车来到了乌镇。我花费了一个半小时在路上。来到乌镇的我,就感觉来到了云南的我。这里有着水乡风情。人们出行都要划船。可惜的是,天气虽然好,但是太阳的光太强烈,快要把我晒黑了。我很热。吧我的后背都晒得蜕皮了。去旅游一次可能就要付出美的代价吧!



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