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admin 其他话题 2016-03-10 08:18:00 星期天作文

  Recently,the students of Senior 3 in our school have had a discussion about the whether we should have classes on weekends.In my opinion ,we should not have classes on weekends. My reasons are as follows.

  First of all ,we have a busy learning on weekdays,after that ,we all feel tired ,so we need a short of rest.

  Second, on weekends, we also have a lot of homework to do , if we have classes on weekends,we have no time to finish homework.

  Third ,also the most important of all ,as the students of Senion 3, we should have free time to arrange our study .For example ,when to do homework ,when to have a rest and so on .That is why I think we should not have classes on weekends.



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