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admin 三年级作文 2021-05-08 05:36:18 作文


it gives you a good example for writing.当你在学习英文时,听力、口语和写作固然是非常重要的,但是阅读也会相当有用。你所学到的并不仅仅是一些新单词本身,而是有关如何使用这些英文单词方法。当你在阅读时,你其实是在为你的写作打基础。好的阅读建议:it is not interesting.尝试阅读和你水平相符的材料。读那些你能够理解的东西。如果你每读几个单词都要用下字典的话,那就会很乏味了。and mark them with a pen.Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book.Then try to remember them.试着增加你的词汇量。如果一个页面上有四五个新单词的话,把它们写在你的笔记本里。但是你不需要在你阅读的时候做这项工作。你阅读的时候应该做的是去猜测这些单词的意思,并且给它们做上记号。等你读完全篇之后,再回来在字典里查出这些词的意思,并且把它们写在你自己的词汇本中,然后试着记住它们。or when you get up or at lunchtime.试着保持规律性的阅读。每天都花上一点时间来阅读。每天读十五分钟比每周读两小时的效果要好得多。固定一个阅读时间并且坚持下来。你可以在你临睡前读个十五分钟,或者在你起床或吃午餐的时间也可以。21st Century Teens.It is easy enough for you to understand.There is something interesting in it.读你感兴趣的材料。选择那些内容能够引发你兴趣的书或杂志。毕竟阅读是一件需要你费时费钱的事情,所以选择那些有趣的阅读材料吧。你也可以读报纸。中国有许多英文报纸。生英文报》,内容也非常有趣。

求英语作文《学习英语的感受》 300字左右





often flies fast flies several Le Fan bamboo leaves.This is similar to the ripples to proliferate happily,is happy one doubles with laughter.


After the rain water baptism, even more has been originally moving on the verdant trees, recently was long tender leaf light green under water drop shining upon, shaky, resembled at the end of the drop drop.Mountain valley track mild Run, the rough stone anode circuit abundant ponding, stepped on in above, makes noise, unexpectedly some Chiangnan alley appeal.In the garden wooden bench has been short sweetheart's laughing heartily, still alone lying down nearby thick patch of grass.In the shrubbery creamy white varnishes the street light, is dodging the spooky light. The waterfront, a crowd of subdebutante in laughing does laundry.They pieces of rag pasted together to make shoes also colorful, places precious Taichung likely, occasionally settles down shore watching pink clouds.Later on huan will finish, they will also shout three call five places to accompany turn over to.A group is merry, all is teased including after death bamboo pole bamboo pole green bamboo by them the waist not to live the tremor, often flies fast flies several Le Fan bamboo leaves.This is similar to the ripples to proliferate happily, Tian Tianlian the leaf no longer is also slim and graceful, is happy one doubles with laughter.




words,grammars and so on. But now,we must know about business more and more. The grammars is have no importance for us now. We must learn more difficult specialized subject knowledge that can improve our business English. And during this month’s learning. I think my oral English have a little raise. So I will try my best to do everything well and insist on my owner dreams.记得采纳 正在做系统任务!帮帮忙!



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