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admin 成语大全素材 2021-05-16 18:10:18 英语


邯郸学步English 相传在两千年前,燕国寿陵地方有一位少年,不知道姓啥叫啥,就叫他寿陵少年吧! 这位寿陵少年不愁吃不愁穿,论长相也算得上中等人材,可他就是缺乏自信心,经常无缘无故地感到事事不如人,低人一等——衣服是人家的好,饭菜是人家的香,站相坐相也是人家高雅。他见什么学什么,学一样丢一样,虽然花样翻新,却始终不能做好一件事,不知道自己该是什么模样。 家里的人劝他改一改这个毛病,他以为是家里人管得太多。亲戚、邻居们,说他是狗熊掰棒子,他也根本听不进去。日久天长,他竟怀疑自己该不该这样走路,越看越觉得自己走路的姿势太笨,太丑了。 有一天,他在路上碰到几个人说说笑笑,只听得有人说邯郸人走路姿势那叫美。他一听,对上了心病,急忙走上前去,想打听个明白。不料想,那几个人看见他,一阵大笑之后扬长而去。 邯郸人走路的姿势究竟怎样美呢?他怎么也想象不出来。这成了他的心病。终于有一天,他瞒着家人,跑到遥远的邯郸学走路去了。 一到邯郸,他感到处处新鲜,简直令人眼花缭乱。看到小孩走路,他觉得活泼、美,学;看见老人走路,他觉得稳重,学;看到妇女走路,摇摆多姿,学。就这样,不过半月光景,他连走路也不会了,路费也花光了,只好爬着回去了。 故事出自《庄子·秋水》。成语“邯郸学步”,比喻生搬硬套,机械地模仿别人,不但学不到别人的长处,反而会把自己的优点和本领也丢掉。Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be One'sOwn Ability Tradition has it that more than 2,oooyears ago,there lived a young man in the Shouling area of the State of Yan.As his name is not known ,we just call him Shouling young man for convenience's sake. self confident He was at a loss as to how to behave all the time. His family members advised him to overcome this shortcoming,but he thought they were fond of poking their noses into his business and were unwilling to provide him with tuition fee.His relatives and neighbours sneered at him,saying that he would never be able to learn anything.Asthe days went by,he even began to doubt whether he should walk the way he did,for he felt more and more that his walking gestures were too clumsy and awkward. One day,he met some people on the road who werechattingand laughing.One of themsaid that people in Handan walked most gracefully.And thatwas just what he was most concerned about,so he hurreed towards themand wanted to make further inquiries.To his surprise,when these people saw him,they stalked off laughing. He could not picture to himself in what way their walking gestures were graceful,no matter how hard he racked his parents one day.He went to Handanwhich was far away to learn how to walk. As soon as he arrived in Handan,he was dazzled to find that everything was novel.He learned from the children there how to walk,because he thought that the children's walking gestures were lively and pleasing to the eye.He learnd from the old people there how to walk,because he thought the old people's walking gestures were steady .He learnd from the women there how to walk,because he thought the women' swaying walking gestures were beautiful.That being the case with him ,in less than half a month he even forgot how to walk.As he had already used up his traveling expenses,he had to crawl back home. Thisstory come from the article"Autumn Water"in The Works of Xhuang Zi(Zhuang Zi was a famous ancient Chinese philosopher of about 300B.c.).Later the set phrase"initating another without success and losing what used to be one's own ability"is used to refer to acts of copying others mechanisally in disregard of specififc conditions. 汲黯是西汉武帝时代人,以刚直正义、敢讲真话而受人尊重。他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。虽然表面上不那么轰轰烈烈,却能把一个郡治理得井井有条,因此,朝廷把他从东海太守调到朝廷当主爵都尉——一种主管地方吏任免的官职。 有一次,汉武帝说要实行儒家的仁义之政,为老百姓办好事了。没等皇帝把话说完,汲黯就说:“陛下内心里那么贪婪多欲,表面上却要装得实行仁政,这是何苦呢?”一句话把皇帝噎了回去。汉武帝登时脸色大变,宣布罢朝,满朝文武都为汲黯捏着一把汗,担心他会因此招来大祸。武帝回到宫里以后,对身边的人说,汲黯这个人也未免太粗太直了。 从此以后,汲黯的官职再也没有提升。他当主爵都尉的时候,公孙弘、张汤都还是不起眼的小官,后来,他们一个劲儿住上升,公孙弘当上了丞相,张汤做上了御史大夫,可他汲黯还蹲在原地没动窝。有一天,汲黯对武帝说,陛下使用群臣,跟码劈柴一样,是“后来者居上”啊!汉武帝当然听得出这是发牢骚。于是,转脸对臣下们说:“人真是不能不学习啊!你们听汲黯说话,越来越离谱了!” 故事出自《史记·汲郑列传》。成语“后来居上”,往往指后起的可以胜过先前的。和汲黯说这话的原意,大不相同。The Latecomers Surpass the Old-timers This set phrase is derived from the complaints Ji An made to the emperor. Ji Anlived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and ,although he did not cause a stir ,he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this. the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officals. Once,Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people.Emperor Wudi Had hardly finished his remards when Ji An said that there was no need for the emperor to say so.Why should the emperor bother,Ji An said, about pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself? This choked the emperor off. The emperor suddenly Changed his countenance and declared the meeting over. All the civilian and military officers at court were breathless with anxiety for fear that Ji An might bring disaster upon himself because of this. After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward. For this reason ,Ji An was never promoted again. When he was the commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials, both Gongsun Hong and Zhang Tang were low -ranking lfficials of little importance. Later ,they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor. However, JiAn's post remained thesame. One day, Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood, which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers. Of course, Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining. So,turning to his ministers, Emperor Wudi said, "It is true that no one can stop learning.You see, Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks." This story comes from The Historical Records. Later generations use the set phrase "the latecomers surpass the old-timers " to indicate that successors can cxcel the predecessors, which is quite different from the original idea when Ji An said that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers.


content,said to him:he is also a five-color pen. Reportedly Since then,Jiang Yan on Evans exhausted and could not write the article in any good. Jiang Yan'Practical Writing"Jiang "was not exactly") 南朝的江淹,字文通,他年轻的时候,就成为一个鼎鼎有名的文学家,他的诗和文章在当时获得极高的评价。当他年纪渐渐大了以后,他的文章不但没有以前写得好了,而且退步不少。他的诗写出来平淡无奇;而且提笔吟握好久,依旧写不出一个字来,但文句枯涩,内容 平淡得一无可取。于是就有人传说,有一次江淹乘船停在禅灵寺的河边,梦见一 个自称叫张景阳的人;向他讨还一匹绸缎,他就从怀中拘出几尺绸缎还他。他的文章以后便不精彩了。又有人传说;有一次江淹在冶亭中睡午觉;梦见一个自称郭璞 的人,走到他的身边,向他索笔,对他说:文通兄“我有一支笔在你那儿已经很久了,现在应该可以还给我了吧,江淹听了!就顺手从怀里取出一支五色笔来还他”据说从此以后,江淹就文思枯竭。再也写不出什么好的文章了,其实并不是江淹的才华已经用完了,而是他。当官以后,一方面由于政务繁忙,另一方面也由于仕途得意,无需自己动笔,劳心费力,就不再动笔了。文章自然会逐渐逊色,缺乏才气。


英语成语故事-井底之蛙 The Frog in the Shallow Well (Jing Di Zhi Wa) Have you not heard of the frog that lived in a shallow well?why don'"Even a distance of a thousand li cannot give you an idea of the sea's width;but the waters in the sea did not decrease. The sea does not change along with the passage of time and its level does not rise or fall according to the amount of rain that falls. The greatest happiness is to live in the East Sea."the frog of the shallow well was shocked into realization of his own insignificance and became very ill at ease. ============================= 英语故事:in the Wèi State there lived a famous archer named Gēng léi. One day,Gēng léi and the King of Wei standing on a high terrace saw some birds flying past. At this Gēng léi said to the King:ll shoot a flying bird down for YourMajesty by drawing a bow with no arrow."a wild goose was flying from the east. Gēng léi just drew his bow but didn'sir?Gēng léi esplained,"its crying sadly suggested that it had strayed long from its flock.When it heard the twang the wild goose had to flutter hard to fly high for its life.So it is evitably fell down with its old wound burst."============================= 刻舟求剑 Making His Mark (Ke Zhou Qiu Jian) A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat,his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat. ""he jumped into the water to look for his sword at the place where he marked the boat. The boat had moved but the sword had not. Is this not a foolish way to look for a sword?刻舟求剑


邯郸学步English 相传在两千年前,燕国寿陵地方有一位少年,不知道姓啥叫啥,就叫他寿陵少年吧!这位寿陵少年不愁吃不愁穿,论长相也算得上中等人材,可他就是缺乏自信心,经常无缘无故地感到事事不如人,低人一等——衣服是人家的好,饭菜是人家的香,他见什么学什么,学一样丢一样,却始终不能做好一件事,不知道自己该是什么模样。家里的人劝他改一改这个毛病,他以为是家里人管得太多。亲戚、邻居们,说他是狗熊掰棒子,他也根本听不进去。日久天长,他竟怀疑自己该不该这样走路,越看越觉得自己走路的姿势太笨,太丑了。有一天,他在路上碰到几个人说说笑笑,只听得有人说邯郸人走路姿势那叫美。他一听,急忙走上前去,想打听个明白。不料想,那几个人看见他,一阵大笑之后扬长而去。邯郸人走路的姿势究竟怎样美呢?他怎么也想象不出来。这成了他的心病。终于有一天,他瞒着家人,跑到遥远的邯郸学走路去了。他感到处处新鲜,简直令人眼花缭乱。看到小孩走路,他觉得活泼、美,看见老人走路,他觉得稳重,看到妇女走路,摇摆多姿,不过半月光景,他连走路也不会了,路费也花光了,只好爬着回去了。故事出自《庄子·秋水》。邯郸学步”比喻生搬硬套,机械地模仿别人,不但学不到别人的长处,反而会把自己的优点和本领也丢掉。because he thought the women'Autumn Water"in The Works of Xhuang Zi(Zhuang Zi was a famous ancient Chinese philosopher of about 300B.c.).Later the set phrase"s own ability"is used to refer to acts of copying others mechanisally in disregard of specififc conditions. 汲黯是西汉武帝时代人,以刚直正义、敢讲真话而受人尊重。他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。虽然表面上不那么轰轰烈烈,却能把一个郡治理得井井有条,朝廷把他从东海太守调到朝廷当主爵都尉——一种主管地方吏任免的官职。汉武帝说要实行儒家的仁义之政,为老百姓办好事了。没等皇帝把话说完,汲黯就说:陛下内心里那么贪婪多欲“表面上却要装得实行仁政,这是何苦呢,一句话把皇帝噎了回去?汉武帝登时脸色大变”宣布罢朝。满朝文武都为汲黯捏着一把汗,担心他会因此招来大祸,武帝回到宫里以后,对身边的人说。汲黯这个人也未免太粗太直了,汲黯的官职再也没有提升。他当主爵都尉的时候,公孙弘、张汤都还是不起眼的小官。后来,公孙弘当上了丞相,张汤做上了御史大夫,可他汲黯还蹲在原地没动窝,有一天,汲黯对武帝说。陛下使用群臣,跟码劈柴一样,后来者居上,汉武帝当然听得出这是发牢骚”转脸对臣下们说。人真是不能不学习啊,你们听汲黯说话:越来越离谱了“故事出自《史记·汲郑列传》!往往指后起的可以胜过先前的”和汲黯说这话的原意。JiAn'"Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks."the latecomers surpass the old-timers "which is quite different from the original idea when Ji An said that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers.


Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well坐井观天There is a frog. He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.有一只青蛙住在井底,他从来没有去过井外面。他以为天空就和井口一样大。Frog“一只乌鸦飞到井边,看见青蛙,就对它说,青蛙:咱们聊聊吧“青蛙就问他”我从天上上来”青蛙惊讶地说”你怎么会从天上来,乌鸦说”天空很大。只不过你一直呆在井里,所有不知道世界很大“青蛙说:我不相信“You can come out and have a look by yourself.?乌鸦说”自己看看嘛“So the frog comes out from the well. He is very surprised. How big the world is,于是青蛙来到井外”他十分惊讶:原来世界这么大“

英语成语故事 要有翻译

timid,was only twenty one-year-old han emperor died.both in WeiYangGong kisen,panic,infero-anterior advised her husband and said,"otherwise inevitable difficult ahead."her husband willing to listen to the general'another sign osweating much soaked backbone. Describe sweat. Also describe extreme fear or ashamed excessive. 汗流浃背 汉大将军霍光,是汉武帝的托孤重臣,辅佐八岁即位的汉昭帝执政,霍光身边有个叫杨敞的人。颇受霍光赏识,杨敞为人懦弱无能,根本不是当丞相的材料,年仅廿一岁的汉昭帝驾崩于未央宫,霍光与众臣商议,选了汉武帝的孙子昌邑王刘贺作继承人,谁知刘贺继位后。霍光听说后。与车骑将军张安世、大司马田延年秘密商议,打算废掉刘贺,霍光派田延年告诉杨敞、以便共同行事,杨敞一听。杨敞的妻子。是太史公司马迁的女儿,她见丈夫犹豫不决的样子。暗暗着急,趁田延年更衣走开时,上前劝丈夫说,岂能犹豫不决“大将军已有成议,否则必然太难临头,杨敞在房里来回酸步,正巧此时田延年回来”索性大大方方地与田延年相见。告知田延年,她丈夫愿意听从大将军的吩咐,田延年听了后高兴地告辞走了,田延年回报霍光,霍光十分满意。

成语故事 英文版




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