1911年,在孙中山领导下,打响了“武昌起义”,发动了“辛亥革命”使中国走出了封建社会。1945中国人民迎来了抗日战争的胜利,中国共产党响应全国人民和平建国的迫切愿望,同国民党在重庆进行和平谈判,实现国内和平,促成国共双方签订了《双十协定》、《停战协定》。但国民党却在与中国共产党进行和平谈判的同时,积极进行内战的准备,其单方面撕毁停战协定和政协决议,对解放区发动全面进攻。中国共产党领导解放区军民英勇地进行自卫,开始了伟大的人民解放战争。1949年月1日,内战结束,新中国成立了!举国上下欢歌劲舞。 但 “文化大革命”的十年祖国和人民遭受了建国以来最严重的挫折和损失。直到1976年10月, “文化大革命”结束。在第十二届三中全会上通过了关于经济体制改革的决定,兴建深圳、珠海、灿头、厦门四个经济特区,之后又相继开发了十几座沿海城市,在“长三角”等地开辟经济开发区,大力推进了中国经济发展。为了解决香港、澳门、台湾的问题,邓小平主席创造性的提出了“一个国家,两种制度”的伟大设想。1997,香港回归;1999年,澳门回归。从此以后,中国的GDP开始快速上升,现位居世界第二。国家大力发展便民、惠民措施,
The father of Euro Benjamin Disraeli said: " In a progressive country change is constant; change is inevitable. " In recent years, due to the economy and technology developed so rapidly that our living standard has been improved greatly from which our family life has various changes.
First of all, it is obvious that the most significant change reflect in clothes. In the past, our dress not only is the color single also old-fashioned conservative. But now there is a variety of clothes which are elegant and fashionable. The second, with the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to health. Therefore people focus on the diets which are green and pollution-free. As the same time living conditions have also been ameliorated. In addition, people spend more time on leisure and entertainment which have a positive affect on physiology and{中国变化作文}.
psychology. In our spare time, we usually go to travel with friends. On the one hand, it could broaden our horizon and relieve the pressure of work and life. On the other hand, it also can increase our knowledge and gain memories.
There is no doubt that the changes provide us with a convenience. Meanwhile we content ourselves with these changes gradually in terms of life and spiritual. I have firm conviction that our life will be more and more beautiful which is sang in a song!