校名:天台岗小学班级:三年级一班姓名:熊灿幸 教师:陈老师 作 文
平时,我们的学习时间抓得很紧,还是课余生活点亮了我的童年。 我是一个画画爱好者,所以妈妈给我报了一个绘画班,刚开始学的时候,教我们画得很简单,可是老师教的越来越难了,我每节课都画不好,放学回家了,我回到家对妈妈说:“妈妈,画画实在太难了,我不想学了。”可妈妈却说:“你坚持学下去吧!好吗?”可我没有把妈妈的话放在心上,第二次我来到学校,老师看我无精打采的,就问:“幸子,你怎么了?”我说:“我不想学画画了,实在太难画了!”“打起精神来,你一定能行,我相信你!”老师说到。我听到这句话,又找回了自信,还在老师和家长的教导下,还在全国小儿绘画比赛中获得了第一名呢!
军 训
贝贝是我的好朋友,别看她平时很文静,其实她也有勇气的时候。 有一次,我和贝贝一起去动物园玩,我们乘上了一辆公共汽车,车上很挤,过了几个站台后,车上的人,逐渐少了,这时我看见一位叔叔正悠闲地磕着瓜子,地上到处都是瓜子壳,我想上去提醒一下那位叔叔,又怕叔叔骂我多事,这时:贝贝站出来对叔叔说:“叔叔,我们应该保持公共汽车上的清洁环境,请您走两步就可以把瓜子壳扔到垃圾桶里去。”那位叔叔瞟了贝贝一眼,把头朝向窗外,继续磕着瓜子,贝贝就自己蹲下来,捡起了瓜子壳,她一颗一颗捡得是多么的认真,我也被感染住了,也和贝贝一起捡起了瓜子壳,那位叔叔也有些坐不住了,连忙说:“真不好意思,还是我自己来捡吧,”说完,便自己捡起了瓜子壳,看到这一刻,我真佩服贝贝的勇气。{作文打字}.
第三次,下面我不用说了,我想,你都能猜到。结果,我只用了半个小时的时间就打完了。 第二天,我参加了打字比赛,后来,我把文章的大部分都打完了。
现在想想,这真是特殊的打字练习。 今年的寒假过得很好,不过有一件事情却令我不得不谈。
车经过了一次又一次的停站,出发,直至到那一站——原本狭窄的车道布满了拥挤的人群,我睁开双眼,望一望周边的人群,却赫然发现,离我不远处站着一个老爷爷。我不知道他是不是刚刚上来,或是已经站了许久,我的心里正做着激烈的挣扎,究竟是让还是不让? 说起来也挺可笑的,一个已经上了初二的中学生还不懂得这点基本的道德吗?想必有点功德心的人都会说:“让。”但是我不是那么好的一个小孩,况且头还这么痛。自己转念一想:“不是说是老幼病残孕可以座着吗,我晕车算不算?”想到这里,我不由得想敲自己一下,好白痴得想法。
也许,按照常理来说,我应该会脸红吧,可是,不知为何,我却没有感到羞愧,反倒有一丝自豪,好像是因为,有我这样不向上的人,也会有品德高尚的人来镇压而感到辛慰吧。 不过,我不喜欢这种自豪,因为,我是骄傲的人,我希望别人已我为自豪,所以,我明白了,下次的机会,我一定不会错过。
Topic: study alone or study with a group?
在作文题目中面临选择时,首段写“什么问题 ?有几种处理方式?“(也可以描绘社会的现况等等)可以分两段写两个不同观点的理由reasons(好处merits)最后一段写自己的观点及理由。可以用image that (suppose that)假设自身的情况。
1. Well, when it comes to chose study alone or study with a group of students, everyone has his or her preference. For some people, they give their propensities to study alone while others give their preferences to study with a group.
2. While alone, the focus of study can be easily kept, with little distraction which always accompanies a group of students. And at the same time, as long as you can get adequate references, it is not only possible for you to study alone, but it is also very helpful to nurture the ability to solve problems, and develop one’s independence. Moreover, because of possessing the ability to keep focus and solve problems on one’s own, students can be more and more competitive, which is often deemed as
the necessary quality.
3. However, if you study with a group, discussing and debating become possible, which enable you to develop the ability to think critically and where plenty of problems can be addressed unconsciously. What’s more? Sometimes a lot if references are not readily accessible and students’ levels vary from one to another. So study in a group, they can complement each other and even save more time and energy. The last but not least, study with a group of classmates will cultivate their good sense of cooperation, which is also considered as an indispensible and
essential virtue.
4. Well, from my perspective, I will chose different methods in order to obtain the best effects. My choices will depend on what
subjects I study and which phase of study I am in. if I was practicing my piano, I’d better be alone. But if in other situation, just like doing chemical experiments, the team work would be needed. Image that I was learning a foreign language. If I was learning the pronunciation, I preferred to listen to a tape recorder and study by myself. But it will be a different story, if I was studying the spoken English. I would look for or even create an opportunity to speak with a group of students, which may be more effective.
Land in your country: needs to be left in its natural condition or needs to be developed?
1. With a population of nearly one quarter of the world’s population, my country, china, has suffering with a serious of loss in arable land, which now hardly accounts for 7% of overall arable land of the world. Yet some people still simply do not realize that the loss of arable land is so crucial that one day we might even be incapable of averting避免 the catastrophe if we just turn a blind eye to it.
2. Industrial development without careful consideration concerning{作文打字}.
(regarding) land preservation has caused problems more serious than people can ever imagine. Take the great three gorges dam for example, which is put into operation several years ago. While the country benefits from gargantuan巨大的 potential of electricity generation, we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues regarding geological and ecological environment along both river sides and whole upper
reaches.(lower reach上游下游) Now the professional designers of the great three gorges dam have to work out a pragmatic way to prevent and remedy the pollution effectively, which has aroused the entire world’s attention.
3. After the entrance of WTO, industrial development is more and more important for our country. Yet we should be careful about the pollution which is inevitably caused by industry. Recent surveys have shown that refuse treatment engineering is not well financed in China, while attention is always been put on the obvious achievements.(recent surveys 进行举例说明) Industrial accidents occur far more frequently in developing
countries rather than those more advanced countries. Urban population also produce astoundingly large amount of pollution, like white pollution. Today the alleged white pollution is creeping all over the country—people throw plastic bags and films everywhere, without feeling anything wrong.
4. Absolutely, we not only need land in natural condition but also require for land to be developed. It’s difficult to tell which one is more important. However, we live in a world, where everything has its cost. So when we develop our land and foster the industry, we should to be ready to accept the inescapable consequences it will cause.
People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different.
1. I can’t agree more with the statement that people are never satisfied with what they have and always want something more or different. No matter
how many goals we have already achieved, we always have the ambition to fulfill another goal. Then I will list my sound reasons to support my inclination.
2. The sense of dissatisfaction is formed in our childhood. According to a
recent research by a Polish scientific institution, scientists say that when a baby is given a new toy, he will play with it. But several days later, he will get used to it and be less enthusiastic. This experiment shows that the new things are easier to draw our attention than the stuff we have already owned. Can you still remember that, when we were kids, we longed for a new toy. But when we got it, we played with it for just a couple of days, put aside, and then looked forward to another new one. It’s a very
common situation. We, at that young age, just can’t help being attracted by those compelling and intriguing stuffs which are new enough and may not be seen before.
3. The sense of dissatisfaction is enhanced in juvenile period and adulthood. When we grow older, we form a unique perspective of the world which we
are now live in. We are gradually form an intense ambition propel us to occupy more stuffs, such as material things, a sense of achievement and so on. Take myself as an example,in my first year in college, I got the second prize in the 21th experimental competition. This prize didn’t bring me with sufficient sense of achievement, and I felt just unsatisfied. So I exerted my whole efforts to bolster my experimental abilities. Fortunately, I got the first prize in the next competition. For most of us, dissatisfactions just reflect a real inner mind of us who want to enhance themselves and be a better person.
可以用in regard to 代替concerning ,regarding, about
With respect to 关于,至于
Economic downturn 经济低迷时期
Be passed over for promotion 在升值中被忽略{作文打字}.
If you could create a holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it?
1. Holidays are exceedingly apt way for the society to honor people who have already devoted a lot for us. In today’s modern society, we benefit a lot from advanced technologies and convenient house appliances. We are familiar with those inventions which enable us to live a cozier and
convenient life, but we may know little about the inventors. So it is an excellent opportunities for us to give our gratitude to those intellectual inventors by creating a holiday for them.
2. From my perspective, I firmly allege that inventors are one of the greatest vocations which need to be celebrated. All of us know a saying that
science and technology are our first force to produce科学技术是第一生产力(查找正确的翻译). In order to revive our nation, those who