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admin 留学|News 2021-04-28 04:41:18 美国大学


美国有一些学校是不需要GRE成绩的,有的学校允许你取消GRE成绩。还有一些学校会在你申请奖学金的时候才会需要你出示GRE成绩。虽然这些学校不需要你出示GRE成绩,a. 本科优秀的GPAb. 2-5年某个领域的工作经验c.已经拥有的高级学位(硕士,博士等)需不需要GRE成绩和研究生项目还有专业也很有关系,以下是美国研究生项目一些不需要GRE成绩的学校专业举例:俄亥俄州立大学,北卡州立大学b. 交流类:亚利桑那州立大学,普渡大学,美国大学,哥伦比亚大学。






LAUniversity of New Mexico – Masters in Biomedical Science in Clinical Research,Computer ScienceEast Strougsburg University(PA)BridgePort University(CT)University of northern virginia(VA)Oklahama city university(OK)Purdue University(IN)WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY(KA)Kansas state university(KA)Virgina state university(VA)New Mexico State University(MN)University of Maryland – Baltimore CountyGeographic Information SystemsHuman Centered ComputingApplied SociologyNorth Carolina State UniversityArts and DesignLandscape ArchitectureUniversity of Massachusetts – BostonGerontologyIowa State UniversityElectrical Engineering (TOEFL 79+)Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering (GRE not required)George Mason UniversityCivil EngineeringComputer ForensicsStatisticsTelecommunicationsUniversity of WashingtonConstruction Engineering (online)San Jose State UniversitySoftware Engineering (GRE Not Required)Embry-RiddleMS in Aerospace Engineering (GRE Not Required)Mechanical Engineering (GRE Not Required bu Recommended)Washington University – St.LouisBiomedical EngineeringComputer Science &Chemical EngineeringMechanical Engineering &


In this article I have listed universities where GRE is not required for graduate school admission. Following the Average GRE Scores for Universities, I’m collecting information about Universities where GRE Score is not required for admission. There are many universities where students can get admission to Masters Degree program without GRE Scores.Some department within the university will require GRE score, but for some departments GRE Score is not required. I will try to list the specific department like computer science, electrical engineering, biotechnology, civil, mechanical, industrial engineering and other programs along with university name where Standard Admission test scores are not required for graduate school application.GRE Not Required – UniversitiesSaint Joseph University – Computer ScienceLoyola University – Computer ScienceUniversity of Maryland University CollegeCalifornia State University, FullertonCalifornia State University, Long BeachCalifornia State University, LAUniversity of New Mexico – Masters in Biomedical Science in Clinical Research, Landscape ArchitectureWake Forest UniversityUniversity of Oklahoma-recommendedUniversity of Missouri Kansas CityUniversity of Massachusetts LowellUniversity of Kansas- recommendedUniversity of Iowa-recommenedFlorida Atlantic UniversityFlorida International University-recommendedflorida State UniversityUniversity of Cincinnati-recommenedUniversity of Texas Arlington- recommendedAuburn UniversityGeorge Mason UniversityUniversity of IdahoHoward University-recommendedUniversity of Kentucky-recommendedMichigan Tech universityNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyUniversity of North Dakota- recommendedUniversity of North Texas- recommendedNorthern Illinois UniversityOregon State UniversityPortland State UniversityUniversity of Southern MississippiTexas Tech University-recommendedWestern Michigan UniversityGRE Score Not Required: Computer ScienceEast Strougsburg University(PA)BridgePort University(CT)University of northern virginia(VA)Oklahama city university(OK)Purdue University(IN)WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY(KA)Kansas state university(KA)Virgina state university(VA)New Mexico State University(MN)University of Maryland – Baltimore CountyGeographic Information SystemsHuman Centered ComputingApplied SociologyNorth Carolina State UniversityArts and DesignLandscape ArchitectureUniversity of Massachusetts – BostonGerontologyIowa State UniversityElectrical Engineering (TOEFL 79+)Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering (GRE not required)George Mason UniversityCivil EngineeringComputer ForensicsStatisticsTelecommunicationsUniversity of WashingtonConstruction Engineering (online)San Jose State UniversitySoftware Engineering (GRE Not Required)Embry-RiddleMS in Aerospace Engineering (GRE Not Required)Mechanical Engineering (GRE Not Required bu Recommended)Washington University – St.LouisBiomedical EngineeringComputer Science & EngineeringElectrical & Systems EngineeringEnergy Environmental & Chemical EngineeringMechanical Engineering & Materials ScienceIf you know other schools or looking for specif degree programs that accept students without GRE Score, post a comment with name of the programs.GRE Score for Visa InterviewEven though at few schools where GRE is not required, but during student visa interview, visa officer might ask for GRE score. So, its strongly advisable to take GRE and TOEFL exam. Most of the comments Happy Schools Blog get is about university suggestions. And I always suggest to get GRE Score above 1000 for some departments and and 1100 for most of engineering majors.以上就是给大家总结的美国哪些大学研究生不用考gre,如果有大家想申请的学校,最好再到美国大学的官方网站核实一下,想在美国研究生申请中具有实力,最好要考gre。


可以使用留学志愿参考系统 http:看系统中有多少与你情况相似的学生成功申请了这个学校或者那些专业,这有点类似于高考志愿填报参考系统,看看以你目前的条件符不符合这个学校要求。

申请美国综合性大学的研究生 有哪些不需要gre成绩的

美国研究生申请一般必须提供GT成绩,对于没有GRE成绩的同学一定没有机会了吗,有一部分学校不要求GRE,还有的学校入学时不要求GRE,毕业之前达到要求就行。借网友问题,专业+ 学校+GRE not required护理专业 Nursing只要你GPA在3.2以上,以下学校的Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)项目不需要GRE成绩。Denver,



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