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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 02:06:18 妈妈记叙文





1. 根据提示,用英语写一篇60字的短文。

2. 请在空格线上答题;每格写一个单词,标点可不占格。

3. 作文评分依据:语言、结构、内涵和文采。






(一) 人称:英语的记叙文一般是以第一或第三人称的角度来叙述的。

(二) 时态:记叙文一般分为事实记叙文和想象记叙文。事实记叙文是写已发生的真实事


(三) 叙述顺序


1. 以时间为线索,按时间顺序展开;

2. 以地点为线索,以地点的转移为顺序展开;

3. 以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后顺序展开。

(四) 叙述的过渡


(五) 叙述与对话

引用故事情节中主要人物的对话是提高记叙文表现力的一种好方法。适当地用直接引语代替间接的主观叙述,可以客观生动地反映人物的性格、品质和心理状态,使 记叙生动、有趣,使文章内容更加充实、具体。



To keep or not

Something changed my life several years ago. My mum asked me whether I wanted a little brother. I was still very young at that time and was sulky because mum didn’t buy me a doll. I

thought that if I had a baby brother, he could be my toy. So I said. “Why not?” And the next thing I knew was my mother was pregnant! For Chinese children today, it isn’t common to have a sibling, but I do, and I love it. I waited for ten months until my mum was sent to hospital. I waited worriedly, crying for my mother and my baby brother. My eyes were swollen. When mum came home, I purred what an adoring thing!

Up to this day, I still do not regret my decision, even though my brother has already grown up and is not a cure little baby anymore.


该文从选材叙述的角度上独树一帜。文章一开头就开门见山,以“Something changed my life several years ago” 一句话告诉读者,她母亲怀孕要给她再生一个弟弟的消息。此事对于绝大多数中国独生子女的初中生来说,绝对是一个引人入胜的好故事,选材真实可信。她听到母亲怀孕时的喜出望外,和等待她母亲和弟弟回家的心理活动,这些描述都自然可信。此文把她对她母亲的担心和对弟弟的爱写得很感人。文章结尾简洁,但是令人回味无穷。把弟弟当做玩具享用到真心喜欢弟弟的姐弟之情在结尾句中自然流露。


It was the most inspiring thing that ever happened in my life. I was fascinated by the drums when I was eight. I was imaging if I could have a set of real drums, I would be able to play in a band. But it’s only a dream for me. I pretended to play real drums when I was at home alone. I enjoyed waving my hands, hitting some books with chopsticks and making different sounds. present from my parents a week later. It was a set of drums! They encouraged me to keep on playing drums. They also told me to chase dreams and I was greatly inspired by my




修改1:has 改成had

修改2:Suddenly, my parents appeared at the door.改为One day my parents appeared at the door suddenly.

修改3:They were surprised and 改为Seeing their surprised eyes I…


修改5:didn’t 改为couldn’t

修改6:However 改为Surprisingly

修改7:最后一句改为Now I never doubt that impossible is nothing if we keep on chasing our dreams.


At the news that my grandfather was in hospital because of tuberculosis, I stared blankly at my mother, wishing her to say something else, something nice. But she wiped the corner of her eyes and stormed into her room, slamming the door with a resounding crash behind her. I picked up the notice form the hospital, wanting to tear it into pieces. How could such a thing ever happen? Suddenly, over the course of one night, my loving grandfather was sent to hospital, having water extracted out of his lungs, and he might be lying on his deathbed. It was almost too much for me. The shock was so great but I didn’t even cry, just standing beside the breakfast table, looking at the sun rays slanting downwards through the French windows. I loved my grandpa, and I wanted him to be lying on the balcony, healthy, joyful. I wanted to hold his dried, weathered hands. It was then that the teas crashed out of my eyes.


此文描述作者得知祖父得病后,她母亲一连串的动作和她本人当时的心理活动。作者用词自然真实准确,所选的词汇很好地表述了她母亲的悲痛心情。如 “wiped the corner of her eyes and stormed into her room, slamming the door with a resounding crash behind her.” 这篇文章主题鲜明,构思新颖,描写细致,运用了很多富有表现力的动词,使得文章非常有感染力。作者细腻传神的心情活动和描写值得初中生借鉴学习。文末最后没有谈及此事对自己的影响。不过本文的用词用句值得初中学生借鉴学习。


I still remember how happy I was when I crossed the finishing line. Last Tuesday, our P.E. teacher said we would have a 100-meter test. Glancing at other students, they were all smiling at me. The reason is very simple: I’m famous for my weight! I must attend the test. “Run!” With the sharp word, I began to run. At first, I was in the middle of the line, thinking I wasn’t too fat. But then, more and more students left me behind. I felt hopeless and very tired. My legs moved more slowly, and I even wanted to stop. Suddenly, some words that my mum always tells me came into my mind: “You can do it, my boy! You can!” “Yes, I can!” I shouted! I wanted my arms crazily and ran faster and faster. I crossed the finishing line! I did it! I was so happy! From then on, I know that nothing is impossible.


文本内容很完整,“事情发生的过程、当时的情感,以及此事对本人的影响”,都写得头头是道;初中学生比较容易犯的“时态、语态”方面的错误,本文基本没有出现;语言生动,比如“Run!” With the sharp word, I began to run.语句之间借助连接词,承接自然,如:At first…But then…Suddenly…From then on…此外,短文还运用了现在分词作状语的句子,如:I was in the middle of the line, thinking I wasn’t too fat.

修改建议:Glancing at other students, they were all smiling at me是个现在分词做状语的句子,不过现在分词短语Glancing at other students逻辑主语和主句的主语they不一致,应修改为: When I was glancing at other students, they were all smiling at me.


“Come on, you can do it,” I mumbled to myself over and over again before going onto the stage. I

smiled nervously at the audience below and started, “Good morning. I’m here to …e…elect the new chairperson.” I paused and my mind has gone blank. I couldn’t remember the speech that I had prepared for a long time. I rushed down the stage trying to find a place to hide. After a while, I calmed down and recollected myself. I thought about my previous horrible speech. Actually, the main reason of my failure was nervousness and too much pressure I wanted this position too much. Though slightly upset and disappointed with myself, I made up my mind to try once more. At last, I succeeded. From then on, whenever I felt distressed, I would tell myself to calm down. Nothing really matters that much. Just be ourselves.


总体印象:语法基本正确;标点符号使用规范;描述生动,如: “Come on, you can do it,” I mumbled to myself over and over again before going onto the stage.又如: “Good morning. I’m here to …e…elect the new chairperson.” I paused and my mind has gone blank.

作者善于使用复合句,如现在分词作状语的句子:I rushed down the stage trying to find a place to hide. 过去做让步状语的句子:Though slightly upset and disappointed with myself, I made up my mind to try once more.

本文在时态上有一些小问题。句子 “ I paused and my mind has gone blank.”应改为:I paused and my mind went blank.


Say Goodbye

Golden leaves shuffled as autumn wind whispered softly. The setting sun sank to the horizon, painting the sky with a dark glow. Jack had been my best friend for five years, which made saying goodbye far too difficult for both of us. “Jack?” “Yes?” “Will you write letters? Or just send an email?” Jack broke into a smile. “Of course I will.” Silence fell again as we realized the hardest time had come. “Jack,” I stood up, “you’ll always be my best friend.” Jack gave me a hug. I’ll never forget that hug, because that was when two breaking hearts stayed the closest. “I’ll miss you.” And then he was gone. Thus I had experienced the first heartbreaking moment in my life, but I also learned: you’ll never say goodbye to your friends, because they’ll always live in your heart.





The Most Exciting Thing

When it comes to the most exciting thing in my life, I will definitely choose the group singing at the school art festival, which adds a brilliant touch to my memory.

As the school art festival approached, we four girls decided to sing a song, but trouble came one after another. Mistakes, arguments and conflicts almost separated us. However, strong minds

brought us together and made us more determined to reach the success. We, four girls, sang hear and soul in pursuit of a perfect performance. Finally, when we stood confidently in the spotlight and sang the song we had practiced for hundreds of times, cheers rose from every corner of the theatre.

In fact, it’s more than a performance. It’s a dream of our girls. It will always impress the best upon my mind.



1、 语言能力突出。语言能力之运用语言做事的能力,涉及语言、技能和话题。如:首段的

地道语言When it comes to, definitely choose, adds a brilliant touch to 和精湛的表达技能——运用复合句,即第一段为完整的一个句子,以及准确把握话题——描述一件令人感到开心的事。

2、 彰显文化能力。文化能力指跨文化交际的能力,包括文化知识、文化行为和文化意识。

本篇短文的英语表达能支撑语言思维,体现在语言得体、有效、理性等,如第二段的语言运用art festival approached, trouble came one after another, mistakes, arguments and conflicts,以及However, strong minds brought us together and made us more determined to reach…在文化意识上所体现出的价值观和包容态度。

3、 体现了多维思维方式。思维方式是文化的本质内涵,具体分反思性思维、批判性思维和

创造性思维。反思性思维重点在于自我反省;批判性思维在于客观评估;创造性思维在于创新意识。如最后一段In fact, it’s more than a performance. It’s a dream of four girls. It will always impress…



My educational trip to Hawaii has left a deep impression on me. During last winter vacation, I flew to Hawaii and stayed with my host family for a week. I really had the time of my life there. What impressed me most was making cookies. With my host mum’s help, I mixed flour, butter, sugar and milk powder together and baked according to the cookbook. Those cookies were served as desserts the other day. I was so proud when everyone enjoyed my “work.”

Ever since then, I have been keen on trying new things. I am easily getting afraid of failure, however, a little step can ease me and, after I finished a single step, I had a sense of achievements which encouraged me to start the next one. Life is made up of small paces, too. Whenever the trouble comes, it reminds me of that cookie-making experience.



其次,语言表达准确,但词语和结构却并不复杂。如:开篇首句中的…has left a deep impression on me. 第二段中的Those cookies were served as desserts the next day, I was so














还记得那是在我上三年级的时候,那是一个洋溢着落叶气息的秋天,窗外那似珍珠和钻石一般大小的雨滴,像一个大的水帘一样从天而降,落到地上,飞溅起一颗颗晶莹的水花。放学了,同学们一起排队走出了校门,而我却没有拿伞,只能独自一人站在教学楼的屋檐下,等待妈妈来接我,等着等着,我不禁心中泛起一阵阵波澜:每天妈妈都会来接我,可今天。 失意的我静静地站在屋檐下,望着那逐渐离去的人群,始终没有妈妈的身影。我烦躁的情绪带着一丝着急和埋怨。正在这时,一个熟悉的身影出现在我的眼前,是妈妈来了,只见她脸上满是奔波的疲劳,见我不高兴的样子,妈妈脚还没有站稳就关切地说:“儿子,让你等急了,妈妈今天开会来晚了。”见我打了个冷战,就连忙把自己的外衣脱下,给我披上。我的心不禁一颤,刚才对妈妈的一切责怪都成了感激。我和妈妈走在回家的路上,雨越下越








这样的母爱怎能不让我珍藏,我要收藏阳光般的母爱,收藏她的纯真、无私和伟大! 让母爱的阳光永远地陪伴我人生的旅程!






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