At my home.I have father`mother and me.I like my mother,because she can help me to do anything about i can't do it……and about me to do any about the wrong thing,she will be hert me.
And i love my father too.My father is so funny.He likes paly with me ahout i cring
At my home.I have father`mother and me.I like my mother,because she can help me to do anything about i can't do it……and about me to do any about the wrong thing,she will be hert me.
And i love my father too.My father is so funny.He likes paly with me ahout i cring
writing down the word "happiness",I thought of a famous writer's famous sentance:" The happy families are just the same,while the unlucky families each have its own tragedy." The writer's opinion may be partial—-why are happy families just the same?Does
happiness mean sth that could be seen or be touched?Of cause not. Then, we can't help asking such a question: what is happiness? Happiness means what?
Different persons may have different explanations to this question.Besides human
beings,every creture living on earth may have its own "understanding" of happiness.To butterflies, flowers and sunshine are happiness;to bees ,honey and woking mean
hapiness;to cats, sleeping in a warm place identifies happiness.we humans have the most feelings in the nature,which enables us to have more prespectives into{对你来说什么叫幸福用英语来表示}.
happiness.Hapiness also drops at us in various forms.A warmth greeting from best friends,a sincere communication between two strangers,a cellphone message from be-love …..all these could bring us a sence of happiness.
Happiness has nothing to do with weath.It's a feeling rising from our heart
button.happiness dosen't mean surprise.It usually hides itself in{对你来说什么叫幸福用英语来表示}.
ordinory ,peaceful,sometimes even boring life.One can't predict it,for happiness seems to like emergeing all of a sudden.One can't regain it if it has elapsed just before your eyes.when will the next happiness come to us? maybe it is a second ,maybe it is a
decade.what's worse,we usually ignore happiness when it is just beside us .Not until the wagon of happiness had gone away did we picked up the golden feather from the ground and said:"once I saw it before. That's why we always regret for the past. In fact,happiness did come along with us,but we didn't grasp it.When it comes again,maybe we will not recogenise it .Happiness is always playing jokes with us.
happiness hides where?It lies nowhere but it comes from everywhere.What is
happiness?Happiness is nothing but everything.When you are hungry, a piece of bread is happiness;when you are thristy,a bottle of water is happiness;when you are lonely,a ring from old friends is happiness.But in our usual life ,nobody conects such little things with happiness.People are just in a hurry.We are hurried to work,to study, to deal with everything……We spare no time to relax ourselves,to feel the feeling of
happiness,Happiness comes quietly and leaves quietly.It never has patience to wait for us.When we start to look for it,it has gone with the wind…..
What is happiness?Where is happiness?We have asked for endless times.But never has the question been answered clearly.We are like kids lost in a dark forest,we can't find our way out.We run after happiness but we never reach it.When we stop,maybe it passes by quickly.How we wish a angel with golden wings appeared and told us :"look! Happiness is just there!That is just happiness!"
We can't keep happiness,nor can we catch up with it.What we can do is just wait and recognise it when it comes.Happiness is not a very thing,bu it really could be everything,It belongs to evrybody.Everyone has his/her own happiness—that is to say,certain person
has certain haippness,What is your happiness ?The answer is in your own hands,When you grasp you own happiness,you are just the golden–winged angel !!
【幸福(拆字)】 幸:土,代表房子;钱 福:一家人,有吃,有衣,有田。 定义——一种持续时间较长的对生活的满足和感到生活有巨大乐趣并自然而然希望持续久远的愉快心情。
幸福——是一种心理状态,总有结束的那一刻。 不是一个已完成的状态,而是一个渴望的过程——而且往往很难实现。
幸福是指人感知自己的需要、条件和活动趋向和谐的生活状态。 用一个简单的比喻就是:猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽.睡觉睡到自然醒,数钱数到手抽筋 因此幸福也可以理解为对欲望的满足. 有的时候可以把幸福理解为.当你的心对你所拥有的一切所感到满足时.即是幸福.
幸福感(F)=幸福系数(K)*渴求度(Q)*被满足度(Z) .
条件——渴求(物质或精神) + 感知
满足度(Z)< 0 ,得不到幸福,反而陷入不幸。 满足度(Z)= 0,追求很机械,没有幸福感可言。 满足度(Z)= 1,完全满足,此刻幸福感是美妙的。 满足度(Z)> 1,超出期望值,所获得的幸福感也超乎想象。
渴求度(Q)=1.淡然 渴求度(Q)<1,成就 渴求度(Q)>1,索然无味。
3.有些人爱激动,而有些人不易激动,幸福系数也可以称之为激动系数。通常情况下,女人的幸福系数要大于 男人的幸福系数,因为女人一般比男人爱激动;与之相对应的是,女人易受挫折,好有不幸感。
一、幸福第一定律——幸福感都是暂时的 就像不幸一样,随着时间的流逝,幸福感以及不幸感都会逐渐淡化的,所以,我们如果想继续拥有幸福, 想过幸福的生活,就必须去不断地满足更多的渴求。
二、幸福第二定律——幸福感的递减性及推论 人们得到一个幸福后,那么人们对同一个或同一类幸福的渴求度就会递减,当人们再次获得这个或这类时 幸福时的幸福感就会逐渐递减,当达到足够多的N次时,渴求度会变为零,幸福感也就变为零了。 推论 1 幸福资源的不可再生性 因为幸福的递减性,我们进而可以进一步得知,当我们享受过一个幸福N次后,在一般情况下,这辈子,我 们是再也享受不到这个幸福了 推论 2 幸福资源的递减性 因为幸福资源的不可再生性,以及人们认知世界,改造世界的有限性,所以,人们能享受的幸福资源是有 限的,也是在递减、减少的。
三、幸福第三定律——人们获得幸福的经历越曲折,获得的幸福感越大 渴求度是与幸福感成正比的,所以,如果获得幸福的经历越曲折,那么人们
的渴求度就会相应变大,那么 获得的幸福感就会越大。
四、幸福第四定律——没有渴求就没有幸福 及推论 因为幸福感与渴求度成正比,所以当人们对某事物没有渴求时(也就是渴求度为零时),那么,某事物也 就不会给人们带来幸福。 推论一 幸福与金钱没有直接关系 因为幸福的直接来源是渴求, 因为金钱并不能给所有人带来幸福, 所以幸福与金钱并没有直接的因果关系。 推论二 随着物质财富的增加, 人们在物质财富方面所能获得的幸福次数却越来越少, 幸福感的强度也越来 越小。 推论三 人们在精神文化, 精神文明, 精神生活等非物质财富方面所能获得的幸福数量远远大于人们在物质 财富方面所能获得的幸福数量
五、幸福第五定律——幸福是需要感觉的。 幸福是需要有感觉的,如果你的渴求事实上已经获得了满足,但当你没有感觉或感觉不到渴求被满足的时 候,你仍然是不会有幸福的感觉的。
六、幸福第六定律 幸福感的获得是需要有愉悦的心情 如果你的渴求获得了满足,但此时的你如果仍沉浸在其他事件的悲痛之中,那么此时的渴求被满足的感觉
【幸福的本质】 人对生活的满意感,和谐感,满足感。
幸福小贴士: 1.遵从你内心的热情,选择对你有意义并且能让你快乐的课,不要只是为了拿一个A而选课,或选你朋友上的 课,或是别人认为你应该上的课. 2.多和朋友在一起.不要被日常工作缠身,亲密的人际关系,是你幸福感的信号,最有可能为你带来幸福. 3.学会失败.成功没有捷径,历史上有成就的人,总是敢于行动, 也会经常失败,不要让对失败的恐惧,绊住你 尝试新事物的脚步. 4.接受自己全然为人.失望,烦乱,悲伤是人性的一部分,接纳这些,并把它们当成自然之事,允许自己偶尔的 失落和伤感,然后问问自己,能做些什么来让自己感觉好受一点. 5.简化生活,更多并不总代表更好,好事多了,也不一定有利,.应求精而不在多 6.有规律地锻炼,体育活动是你生活中最重要的事情之一,每周只要3次,每次只要30分钟,就能大大改善你 的身心健康. 7.睡眠.虽然有时"熬通宵"是不可避免的,但每天7小时~9小时的睡眠是一笔非常棒的投资.这样在醒着的时 候,你会更有效率,更有创造力,也会更开心. 8.慷慨,现在, 你的钱包里可能没有太多钱,你也没有太多时间,但这并不意味着你无法助人,"给予"和"接受 "是一件事的两个方面,当我们帮助自己时,也是在间接地帮助他人 9.勇敢。勇气并不是不恐惧,而是心怀恐惧,仍然向前. 10.表达感激,生活中不要把你的家人,朋友,健康,教育等这一切当成理所当然的,这都是你回味无穷的礼
物, 记录他人的点滴恩惠,始终保持感恩的心,每天或至少每周一次,请你把他们记下来.
What is happiness
Different people hold different perspective of the ture meaning of happiness.
Frankly, I really don’t agree on the quote “There is no fool who is happy,and no wise man is not”, at some occasions , that “blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed”. As we all know , reaching out to others maybe a satisfing thing to a nurse, inimating with girlfriend to a boy,inventing new technology to a scientist,getting a corn woth RMB 0.5to a begger and so on .What I want to emphrase is that not only wise man can be happy or be happier,but the poor and foolish guy also can do that .the intelligence gives no clue to the engender happiness.
That if you always do what interests you ,at lease one person is pleased encourages us to have extroverted traits,not to speculate about how the complicated economy mushrooms,not to be confused by misery,prejudice, especially in scores of competing ideas relating to reality,but to learn indulging ourselves simply because happiness depends ,as nature shows, less on exterior things than most suppose.
So, actually,the conception of happiness can be described with the abstract sentence that whatever to do , whoever to be with, whenever it is, and wherever it will be, whole of these reach someone’s expectation.
What is happiness? 什么是幸福?
Happiness is our highest well-being. It is peace and gentleness and lightheartedness. It is being thankful for all the little special things which happen around us and to us every day. To be happy is to be able to get a perspective when things look dark and you start to lose hope. Happiness is looking for the gifts, which are always there, even when they seem hidden.
幸福是我们的最高福祉。幸福是一种平和,柔顺和无忧无虑的状态。幸福是对每天发生在我们周围或者我们身上的那些小小的善行心存感激。幸福是在事情变得糟糕的时候,在你将要绝望的时候仍然能够看到希望。幸福其实就是寻找上天赐予我们的礼物的过程,虽然你可能看不见这些礼物,但它们其实就在那里。 Everybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is the well-being, given the well-being, access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness … … of the words is a well-being, an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul … … is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a life experience … … 人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福。幸福有时很抽象,有时很具体。幸福有时很遥远,有时近在咫尺。奉献是幸福,给予是幸福,获得是幸福,享受是幸福……一句祝福的话语是幸福,一个理解的眼神是幸福……幸福是心灵的感觉,幸福是生命的体验…
Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president ) 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统 罗斯福. )!
Many people think that when they become rich and successful,happiness will naturally follow.Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell.We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs.Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems.Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness.Lottery winnings do not bring happiness.Gamble winnings do not bring happiness.
One of the most infamous findings in happiness research is that money doesn’t buy a lot of happiness – or at least not as much as we think it should. According to the economist Richard Easterlin,{对你来说什么叫幸福用英语来表示}.
part of the reason for this is that we care a great deal more about what other people earn than what we do ourselves.
幸福研究领域的最著名发现之一是,很多幸福是金钱买不来的,或者至少不像我们想象的那么多。经济学家理查德•伊斯特林(Richard Easterlin)表示,部分原因在于,我们对于别人收入的关心程度,要远远超出对我们自己收入的关心。
For those whose most basic needs are already met, money buys additional happiness only if it can lead to higher status in society, which is hard when everyone else is also getting richer over time. Since people’s comparison group varies from place to place, those living in more affluent areas of London, for example, would probably need to earn at least £200k a year to ensure that they are staying well ahead of most other Londoners – and even that might not be enough.
对于那些最基本需求已得到满足的人而言,只有当金钱可以带来更高的社会地位时,才会意味着更多幸福。要做到这一点很难,因为其他人也逐渐变得更为富有。不同地区的人们的对比群组不同,举例而言,那些生活在伦敦较富裕地区的人,每年或许得挣至少20万英镑,才能确保自己的处境远远强于多数其他伦敦人——即使是这样的收入或许都不够。 Moreover, according to the Princeton University psychologist Daniel Kahneman, the weak relationship between happiness and income can also be explained, in part, by the evidence that richer people tend to spend more time engaging in activities associated with no greater happiness, on average, but with slightly higher tension and stress – such as work, childcare and shopping. By contrast, people with lower incomes tend to spend more time engaging in happiness-rich experiences such as socialising with friends and other passive leisure activities such as resting and watching TV.
此外,普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)心理学家丹尼尔•卡纳曼(Daniel Kahneman)表示,之所以说幸福与收入的关系较为松散,一定程度上是因为有证据表明,一般而言,更富有的人往往用更多时间从事不会带来更大幸福感的活动,这些活动的紧张及压力程度略高——例如工作、育儿和购物。相比之下,收入较低的人往往把更多时间花在幸福感十足的事情上,例如与朋友社交,以及休息和看电视等其它被动的娱乐活动。
As we all know, love is the crux of a happy life. Love helps us stay calm and serene even when things are tough. It can carry us through the hard times. Love looks for ways to be of service. Love is enjoying the surprises of life and being totally delighted with what life gives you. Love is the key to happiness and it is a real blessing to others.
When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk. I felt, well-being of mother love. When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play. You feel it? How happy they are, enjoy the children's family. When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married, they laughed gratifying for their old age. 当你正在桌上埋头苦学时,母亲送来一杯香浓的牛奶,将母
The pursuit of happiness do not deliberately, when you inadvertently, happiness will come to you quietly. However, the well-being but also a pair of long wings, and you will pass anytime, anywhere. Therefore, we must grasp the well-being, even if it remained a second or more! 幸福不用刻意追求,在你不经意的时候,幸福就会悄然降临在你身上。但幸福同时也长着一双翅膀,随时随地都会与你擦肩而过。所以,我们要把握幸福,即使它多停留一秒钟也好!
Happiness and neurological diseases.
Happiness is an emotional state reflecting positive feelings and satisfaction with life, which, as an outcome in disease states or as an end point in clinical trials, is a neglected concept in most therapeutic areas. In neurological disease, happiness is important as it can be diminished either as a direct result of damage to neuronal tissue or as a reaction to a poor prognosis. The monitoring and maintenance of happiness and wellbeing have historically been considered to be peripheral to medicine. However, as happiness interacts with the patient's physical health, it is an important parameter to assess alongside all aspects of any given disease. Happiness provides a reliable overview of the patient's general status over and above standard parameters for quality of life, and is more wide-ranging than the narrow measures of disease activity or treatment efficacy that are the focus of most clinical trials. In many studies, happiness has been associated with health and success in most areas of life, including performance at work, sporting achievement and social functioning. For approximately a decade, previously studied aspects of psychology have been grouped under the label of positive psychology (PoP). Principles of this discipline are now being used to guide some treatments in neurological and psychiatric diseases. PoP aims to define patient wellbeing in scientific terms and to increase understanding of happiness, meaning in life, resilience and character strengths, as well as to determine how this knowledge can be applied clinically to promote health. Some evidence has emerged recently suggesting that improvements in patient status can result from interventions to improve the patient's level of happiness in diseases, including epilepsy, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and stroke. Several effective approaches to increase happiness employ activities to engage and stimulate patients who might otherwise be unoccupied and isolated. In addition, specific interventions to increase happiness developed by PoP clinicians have demonstrated efficacy and validity. Several measurement scales now exist that reliably measure happiness as a{对你来说什么叫幸福用英语来表示}.
long-term state, rather than as a fluctuating condition resulting from prevailing mood. These enable the use of happiness as an end point in clinical trials. As happiness becomes increasingly accepted as an important consideration in neurological disease, it is likely to be monitored more extensively, with measures to raise happiness levels being taken as an effective means of improving patient outcomes.
[1]Gruber June,Mauss Iris B,Tamir Maya. A Dark Side of Happiness? How, When, and Why Happiness Is Not Always Good.[J]. Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science,2011,63:.{对你来说什么叫幸福用英语来表示}.
Happiness is generally considered a source of good outcomes. Research has highlighted the ways in which happiness facilitates the pursuit of important goals, contributes to vital social bonds, broadens people's scope of attention, and increases well-being and psychological health. However, is happiness always a good thing? This review suggests that the pursuit and experience of happiness might sometimes lead to negative outcomes. We focus on four questions regarding this purported "dark side" of happiness. First, is there a wrong degree of happiness? Second, is there a wrong time for happiness? Third, are there wrong ways to pursue happiness? Fourth, are there wrong types of happiness? Cumulatively, these lines of research suggest that although happiness is often highly beneficial, it may not be beneficial at every level, in every context, for every reason, and in every variety.
篇七:《英语作文 幸福是什么》
What is happiness
What’s happiness? At childhood, mother’s embrace is the most beautiful paradise. If the whole world has abandoned you, at least you mother will not. Some people think this is happiness. When you gradually grow up, falling in love is a happiness. Some say love is a cup of tea, a long time to light out. When you’re old, I say love is more like a pot, the longer the taste.
How do you define happiness? Views on it is vary from person to person. Happiness is defined in dictionary as ‘lucky’ or ‘fortunate’, but a better definition of happiness is ‘the capacity of enjoyment’, the more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.
When we are very busy or earn money crazily, we gradually forget what the happiness is. We don’t understand what the true feeling of happiness is. Maybe you say that I have money so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I have friends so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a good mark today so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a high salary so that I am a happy man. Many thing can make you happy, but the happiness last very short. If you get happiness, you can share it to others. Even if you are not happy now, you can also recall the happy feeling.
It’s easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please,
even good health. While happiness may be more complex for us, the solution is the same as ever. Happiness isn’t about what happens to us, it’s a