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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 01:58:18 周杰伦作文



Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan.

Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan.

I would like to bless his fortune and good luck.

I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world



Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan.

Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan.

I would like to bless his fortune and good luck.{描写周杰伦的作文}.

I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world



Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan.

Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan.

I would like to bless his fortune and good luck.

I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world



Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan.

Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan.

I would like to bless his fortune and good luck.{描写周杰伦的作文}.

I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world



Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan.

Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world. I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored. I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage. Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan.

I would like to bless his fortune and good luck.

I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world


关于周杰伦的作文 无与“伦”比 几年前,在一个家庭聚会上,我被周杰伦的“东风”刮倒了。 那晚,我们围桌而坐,望着窗外幽暗的灯火,打开随身听,《东风破》那特别的旋律、歌词如柄长剑,剑气逼人,直逼我多少有些疲惫的耳膜和心灵:“一壶漂泊,浪迹天涯难人喉,你走之后酒暖回忆思念瘦„„”清幽的意境,不动声色的曲调中透出的无奈,冷处理后的极致的思念,摇滚风格的念白,水乳交融般混在一起,将东方古典中的渺远超拔娓娓道来,更将西方黑人歌手的率性和盘托出。于是我的心随歌声飞翔,眼前便有山水浮起,从遥远的地方传来琵琶的旋律,一个个跳动的音符敲动着我的心弦,牵动我的情感,心中似乎有了灵气吹动,从此,我成了周杰伦的歌迷了。 父辈们一般不喜欢周杰伦,说他唱歌像和尚念经,可他们哪里知道,放眼国内的流行音乐,多有脂粉气的创作,多有红男绿女的呻吟或者嘶吼,多有不古不今的唠叨,不东不西的哼哼,这样的花拳绣腿,炫目招式,哪能抵得住周杰伦和尚念经般的一剑封喉! 总能在舞台上看到他如剑般逼人的寒气,就那么酷,那么帅,那么纯粹,完全沉醉在自己的音乐世界中,决不来任何一点音乐之外的东西媚好听众。也谗我们仅能感受到他表面上的一些东西,他的冷而不傲、不动声色的演唱风格有着太多他本人成长经历的浸染。也许大多数人都知道,周杰伦从小生活在一个单亲家庭里。母亲一个人养育他长大,使他形成了孤僻、忧郁的个性,这从他的许多作品里可以看出。诉不完的哀愁,宣泄不完压抑在心底的烦恼,他的许多作品中总是流露着一种剑气,清冷而坚定。听他的歌,就像在读他的人生。 山水、烟雨、草木,它们在《东风破》的音乐中透出诗画一样的幽美,经典的唱白透着世事无常的寥落无奈。音乐所营造的画面常常落入我的梦境,有一所壮丽的古宅,一个绝世而立的美人,但时光已经销蚀了她的容颜,淹没了她的身影„ 不知为什么,我就是喜欢这种音乐,也许是当中多了一份随意,多了一种沧桑,多了一股冷幽的剑气,我总是为这种音乐着迷。此时,音乐不再是音乐而是一篇篇冗长、冷冽而美丽的故事。 周杰伦还为《霍元甲》这部电影写了一首歌,霍家拳的完美在他那神奇的歌喉下,向世人展露无遗。难怪他是如此喜欢霍元甲——他从霍元甲身上学到了一种自强不息的尚武精神。有人说,中国的汉字很难把西方的绕舌组成音乐,然而周杰伦却创造性地做出个样子来,而且是好样的,在中国,无与“伦”比! (作文大全 )

周杰伦,他舞着双截棍,一根舞向东方和古典,舞出一片婉约与清幽;一根奔向西方与现代,击出一片迷彩与绚丽。这一切糅合在一起,合成无法言说的魔力,一字字一声声缓缓地侵入你的眼你的耳,击出人们内心最深处的真挚爱慕。 我一直追逐着周杰伦,他的完美正是我想追求的。我不会放弃,我坚守这样一个原则:如果它真的感动了你,就应该坚持。



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