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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 01:50:18 老师同学们







记得那天晴空万里,下午第一节体育课,太阳火辣辣地烤着大地,天气干爽、燥热。嗓子里几乎要冒烟了,渴死了,想喝水的念头愈来愈强烈,如果能喝一口清凉的冰水,那该是一件多么惬意的事啊! 正想着,下课的铃声响了。我既没带水也没带钱,该怎么办呢?左右为难时,远远看到芳芳和媛媛各自拿着一包冰水走过来。我眼前一亮,飞快地跑过去,“渴死了,能不能给我喝一口?”两姐妹默然着,谁也不说话。心灰灰的,冷冷的。不愿再多问一句。“哼!还好朋友呢,连口冰水都不给喝,太不够意思了。”我垂头丧气地回到教室座位上,趴在桌子上,口渴的就像传说中的夸夫,嗓子干得都冒烟了。我觉得委屈极了,最好的朋友在我最困难的时候竟没有一个肯帮我的,眼泪在眼眶里直打转。细心的同桌李,看到我的不快,问清事情的原因,毫不犹豫地拿出了自己的水。我心中的感谢无法用语言表达,心快乐得像只飞翔的鸽子,我大口大口地喝起来,水,真甜、真爽啊!这友谊的滋味,比水更甜、更爽。






老师先用一条小手巾蒙上她的眼睛,边系边问她能不能看见,然后在一个同学的位子上拿了本英语书放在讲台上说:“Touch it and guess”(摸一摸再猜一猜)刘英先是一愣,立即回过神来,开始用手小心地触摸起那本英语书。她一会儿眉头紧锁,一会儿嘴角又流露出一丝笑意。终于,她开口了:“Is this an English book?“(这是一本英语书吗?)同学们听她回答对了,齐声喊道:”Yes!(对)刘英取下不手巾,兴奋地回到了座位上。(观察仔细,描写传神)

见这个游戏这么有趣,同学们的兴致一下子上来了,纷纷跃跃欲试。我也高高地举起了右手。老师叫到了我的名字。老师照例用小手巾蒙上我的眼睛。我眼前一片漆黑,只能听见同学们的笑声和老师的脚步声,不知道老师要拿什么东西为难我。“摸一摸再猜一猜”老师说。我听了,用手摸着那个东西。咦!硬邦邦的,还”长“了许多角,而且每个角都比较尖,是什么呢?对了!也许是星星。”Is this a star? Yes!(对)同学们大声回答。我听了高兴地松了口气。可没想到老师又发问了:“What colour is it? You have 3 chances.”(它是什么颜色的,你有三次回答的机会。)它是什么颜色的呢?我想。可能是因为紧张,也可能是平时没有观察,我一连浪费了两次机会。糟了!我只剩下最后一次机会了。没办法,乱猜一个吧!我不抱希望地问老师:“Is it white?”(是白色的吗?)“Yes。“(是)同学们肯定地回答。(3——4段游戏的活动过程)




孟熙赠人玫瑰,手有余香。自己还妄想甚么回报吗?那件事牵动着我的心。 人群一片喧腾,我正沉醉在放学的喜悦当中。放学后来我办公室一趟我惊异的抬开端,但见语文老师看着我,缓缓说道,又转身离去。留下了不安的我。难道是作业么写又错了一片?还是最近学习太不认真?我不由摇了摇头,不该啊,难道是……昨天上午语文老师临上课前,语文老师叫我出去,如同今天这样神秘。居然是让我给老师买本子: 给我买一个本子怎样样?软皮本,看你喜欢的挑就行……好啊我略感迟疑的回答道。心中略感忿忿不平:我怎样知道老师喜欢怎样的?算了,既然老师都屈尊了,我又怎敢悲守穷庐,不驱驰?但一直拖到下午上学才买,第二节课课间才珊珊送到。难道是买的不行?不管了……渐渐地,教室中人走了半数,我才塞好书包,疾步去老师那一探究竟。办公室中静偷偷的,一推门一股暖气迎面而来。又见语文老师静静地坐在那,似乎在等待,预备着甚么。我轻轻走过去老师?一撇眼,看见昨天我买的本子端庄的被放在桌子中间。嗯老师抬起了头,绽出一抹微笑过几天就是你的生日了吧?我点点头,更似雾里看花。我过生日你送字,今天我就送你一个本子吧。我一怔我生日?老师怎样?待我回过神,本子又躺在了我的手中。只好僵硬的说了一声谢谢老师既感觉生分,也表达不出内心的激动,但也这样说了。原来这就是让我自己买的缘由!心中有些后悔,又看了一眼老师,看了看本子。你看看我的寄语我翻开第一页,有老师亲身一笔一划写的字:力透纸背,更嵌刻在我心。我帮你装进去吧未等我开口,书包的拉链已启动,链齿滑动的声音仿佛声声牵动着我的心。老师就在我的身后,那末近,近的就像小时候给我装书包的那个人。莫名的紧张与兴奋,使我莫衷一是,竟抱着宝贝似的书包和同学匆匆离开了。如今,手掌轻抚摩这本子,上面画着一座桥,在桥的那边,仿佛有一双语重心长的眼光。那件事牵动我心,感动我心。


美丽而优雅是事,黯淡无光也是事,澎湃激烈更是事&&事是七彩炫目的。人生的轨迹中有无限的美丽。这些美丽来自于各色各样的事,而这件事则令我难忘。 哇!一阵叫声惊叹声,从小花园中传来。让我们去一探究竟吧! 映入眼帘,一片白雪皑皑的景致!原来哇是同学们的惊叹声。雪又开始下了,我抬起头,天空飞舞着雪花雪精灵给我们送来礼物啦!草地变得银装素裹,美的动人,白的灿烂,为校园增添了艺术感。 不知是谁大叫了一声大家快来打雪仗啊,所有的同学停止了惊叹,赞美声。从大大的绿叶子上,草地上找出雪,揉成了小圆子,像某位同学扔去。啪!,啊!两种声音传来。哈哈&&被砸的我当然不甘心。我转身拿起叶片上的积雪向来者砸去。他也不甘示弱也朝我砸来。我们调皮地多方面发展,一会儿向这个同学扔,一会儿又向另一个同学扔。扔完后,便飞也似地逃离作案现场。可怜的同学还没有搞清楚情况,愣在那儿,结果因为分心,而被其他同志给扔了。我们开心地笑了,好不痛快也! 雪,给我们的校园增添美感,又给我






Schools ( classroom, playground, hall, computer room, office, blackboard, book, boy, girl, computer, desk, dictionary, football, library, picture, student, teacher, television, teacher’s desks, dining hall, gym, science lab, behind, in front of, in our school, in the classroom, there be, next to,


1. There are 46 students in my class.

2. Where’s the library?{初三在学校最想做的最后一件事作文}.


复习目标:重点–复习单词与短语的正确的使用,复习相关的语法,重点对话和语言表达 难点–运用词汇及语法内容,谈论话题

I. 词汇:与话题有关的词汇


1. 时间 _________2.…点钟 _________3.一半 _________4. 美术,艺术 _________

5.化学 ________6.历史__________7.数学__________8.早饭__________9.房子,住宅__________10.(课间)休息_______11.午饭__________12.晚饭,正餐 _________13.公园 _________14.家务劳动___________15.护理;照料_____________16. 农村地区;农村;乡下 ___________17.电 __________18.健康 ______19.点;分 __________20. 计划;工程 __________ 21.生物学 __________22.毒品 _________23.法语 __________24.地理学 ___________25.体育;体育课_________26.安全 ___________27.西班牙语 _____________28.演说;讲演 ____________29.训练____________


1.谈论__________ 2.开始 ____________3.吃 ___________4.完成,结束__________

5.描述;形容_______________6.扔;落下__________7.付;支付 ____________




1.生病的 _________2.重要的 _____________3.贫穷的 ___________4.相同的;同一的_____________5.缺席的;不在的 ____________6.法国的;法语的_____________

7.两者都不_________________ 8.西班牙的,西班牙语的_____________9.在场的;出席的 _____________10.身体的,体力的________


1.几乎 ____________2.也许______________3.仍然;依旧______________

4. 非常;很(用于强调)_______________实在;确实_________________ 连词




1.关于 _____________2.超过……__________3.在(某时间或时刻)__________ 短语

1.(询问其他人的情况)…怎么样?______________2.起床 ___________






1. [08南通中考] Our English teacher was standing____ us so that she could hear us all clearly.

A.away from B.far behind C.between D.among{初三在学校最想做的最后一件事作文}.

2. [09绵阳中考]—Can you catch what the teacher said in the English class?

—Sorry, I can ___ understand it. A.hardly B.almost C.nearly D.never

3 .[08福州中考]–What a nice ship! –Thank you. It ________ me three days to make it.

A. paid B. spent C. took D. wasted

4.[09无锡中考]Mr Lin gave the test books to all the students __________ the ones who had

already taken them. A. except B. including C. among D. with

5 . [09年大连市中考]–Which do you prefer, coffee or cola?

–________, thanks. I’d like a cup of tea.

A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither

6. [10年大连市中考] The two girls are great. ____ of them speak good English.

A. Both B. Neither C. All D. None{初三在学校最想做的最后一件事作文}.

7. [10吉林] The weather in Kunming is ____ too cold ____ too hot. People like to live there.

A. either, or B. both, and C. neither, nor D. not only, but also

8. – Do you know him well? – Sure. We ____ friends since ten years ago.

A. were B. have gone C. have been D. became


1. His parents _________________________________________.他的父母想让他退学。

2. Now they can go to school _____________________________(在希望工程的帮助下).

3. 希望工程筹钱为250万名农村穷困学生支付了学费。

Project hope ________ _________ __________ ,and ________ ________ the education of 2.5million __________students in the country.

4. With this money, project hope ______ ______(建了) many schools and libraries. It ___ also ____ (培训了)teachers and it _________ __________ 送students to high school.


_____________ school has anything the other school ________ _________.

Well, anyway, we’re all going to ________ _______ ________(得高分)for English.

6. We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are

_________ or _____________ (出缺席).

7. Personal Health and ___________(安全) is about dangers of __________(毒品) among other things.

8. PE ___________(包括) ____________(身体的) exercise, ____________(训练) in the gym and swimming.

9._________________________(校外活动), such as sports clubs and __________________ (语言社团) are popular, too.

10.We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are

11.I didn’t expect to do well in ___________ maths _________(或者—或者) geography. V. 完形填空

If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques(技巧) which make language learning easier for them.

1._____, successful languages learners are independent learners. They do not depend on (依赖) books or teachers; they 2._______ their own way to learn the language. They try to find the pateerns and the rules for themselves 3.______ waiting for the teacher to expain everything. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their 4.______ conclusions which are very

different form others’.

Successful language learning is 5._______ learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they 6._____ such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them 7._____ they make mistakes. They will try anything to communicate.When communication is difficult, they can 8.____ information that id incompete(不完整的). It is more important for them to 9.______ in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

Finally, successful language learners are learners with a 10.____ in order to communicate with these people and learn form them. They want to learn a language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language.

1. A. As usual B. First of all C. By the way D. So far

2. A. explain B. make C. discover D. change

3. A. instead of B. after C. because of D. form

4. A. correct B. own C. only D. main{初三在学校最想做的最后一件事作文}.

5. A. ideal B. informal C. early D. active

6. A. look for B. care about C. work out D. write down

7. A. until B. whether C. before D. when

8. A.break B. check C. download D. accept

9. A. agree B. ask C. think D. read

10. A. purpose B. certificate C. guide D. question VI. 阅读理解


Every year, thousands of students choose to study in another country. More than 30 percent of these students go to the United States. Around 15 percent go to Italy, and 10 percent go to both England and Germany. A little less than 10 percent go to Australia, and around 5 percent go to Canada.

No matter where a student chooses to study, there are some things universities around the world need. First, all students must graduate from high school before they can apply(申请)to a university. Most universities also need some kind of test for students to enter the university. Universities in the United States, Australia, and Canada usually need some kind of standardized(标准化的from English-speaking countries also must take a test such as the TOEFL in the United States and Canada to show they know enough English to study in English. England and Australia requiee students to take the IELTS.

In most countries, students must apply to each university they hope to go to. However, students applying to universities in England can use one from to apply to six universities at one time through the British Council(英国文化学会). Many students like this because it can save them a lot of time and money. For universities in other countries, students mist fill in different{初三在学校最想做的最后一件事作文}.

forms for each university and pay a fee(费用) with each application.

1. According to the passage, ____ is the most popular country where foreign studentswould

like to choose to study in Eruope.{初三在学校最想做的最后一件事作文}.

A. the USA B. Italy C. Germany D. England

2. According to the passage, those who want to study abroad can’t apply to any university until____.

A. they get their passports B. they choose the right country

C. they graduate from high school D. they pass the TOEFL or the IELTS

3. The underlined word ―SAT‖ may stand for ____ in the USA.

A. a university B. a kind of test C. a social group D. a school organization

4. If Chinese students want to apply to a university in Australia, they have to ____.

A. take the TOEFL B. take the IELTS C. know enough English D. study English first

5. One of the advantages for students applying to universities in Englang is that____.

A. it saves time and money B. they needn’t pay for any application

C. they can choose six countries each time D. they have six chances to go to other



Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. But American schools also have their rules. If the stduents break the rules, they will get punishment, too.

On the first day of a new term, 128 stduents of Morton High School were sent home for wearing the wrong clothes. There are altogether 1,200 students in the school. Usually only 20 students break the school dress rule every day. So the headmaster Theresa Smith said it was the worst new term she had ever seen.

At Morton High School, students’ favorite clothing such as baggy(宽大的) trousers, low-necked shirts and tank tops(紧身短背心) are not allowed in classrooms. Some students think they have the right to choose what to wear, but the headmaster doesn’t think so. ―I’d be supportive if half the school was sent home, because 99% will get the message that our school are for education.‖ ―Freedom‖ does not mean ―free of restriction(约束)‖. That is to say, there is no total freedom in the world, no matter in the US or in China.

6. Many Chinese students think that ____.

A. American students are very free at school

B. American students are not so clever as them

C. American students don’t love their schoo

lD. Amercian students don’t finish their homework

7. 128 students of Morton High School were sent home for____.

A. not finishing their homework B. being late for school

C. not wearing the right clothes D. being sick

8. Some students in Morton High School think that they have the right to ____.



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