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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:07:18 作文幻想



看!眨眼间我们长大了!进入了我们小时候梦想的未来世界。 “未来的世界真奇妙”,这话可一点儿都不假。








最引我注意的要算是一个个彩色透明的泡泡了,它能将你关在里面或让你坐在上面,关在里面的时间将不受到任何外力伤害。但是,这泡泡有个缺陷:不能自由行动,必须在天空中浮起的轨道上行走…… 一切在一滴滴口水中结束了。原来是梦,可是我多么希望世界真的会成为想象中的悠闲自在呀。




一桩心事却要一千次的藏。 谷底崖边掩不住的声朗朗, 不同的固执却有着一样的坚强。 柔韧不经意缠上了百炼刚, 藤丝蔓延曾透着心死的绝望。 无数争吵终化泪抵挡,

听风崖上那是最尖啸的海浪; 一句言语惹出一段心伤, 一个眼神竟成凄绝的收场. 红尘乱世止不住的纷攘攘,

相同的倔强却达不成一致的退让。 琉璃河畔天接落日水茫茫,

雁荡山顶哀鸣仍是那样的荡气回肠。 完美信仰箭一样穿透月光, 终刻下那古希腊的不朽绝唱。



















我幻想我是《守护甜心》里的亚梦,正直,善良,可以拯救心灵,可以拥有属于自己的守护甜心,可以做一名守护者。我可以是《偷星九月天》里的九月,和酷毙了的十月一同单条八十万大军,可以随便蹦来蹦去,享受胜利的滋味。我还可以是《吸血鬼骑士》中的伏姬,拥有着最高贵的纯吸血鬼的地位,帮助人类战胜危机,我还可以是。 当然,我最希望的,就是可以成为一名铠甲战士,可以拥有帅帅的脸庞,酷酷的身姿,强硬的本领。我要是一名铠甲勇士,哪里有邪恶哪里就有我酷酷的身影,而我就是正义的化身。我的任务就是拯救世界,保护人类!

我知道这一切都不可能会在我的身上发生,但当我看到它们时,仿佛是我亲身经验一般! 因为我知道,这一切并不是不可能的!









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Topic159 The twentieth century saw great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.


159 信息技术的变化





Topic: 159

Which invention was the greatest invention of the 20th century has been discussed many times. Different people have different views. Some think the greatest invention was television, some think it should be cars. But as far as I am concerned, the greatest invention of the 20th century would be computers. The reasons for my opinion are as follows.

First of all, computers save a great deal of effort people spend on calculating. Before computers were invented, people had to calculate manually. Sometimes it took scientists weeks, even months to have a result. Of course, they might made mistakes during their calculation. That affected the accuracy of data. But with the help of computers, people are freed from heavy calculation. If only takes seconds to have a result which used to take weeks in the past.

Second, computers can simulate different environments that can’t be created in real life. In the science research, sometimes scientist need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research. Without computers it’s difficult to have accurate and reliable results. But computers can make everything easy. Just input programs and data everything will be done.

The reason I think is becoming more and more important nowadays. That is computer is the way of access to the Internet. The Internet was developed based on the local area network(LAN) of computers. Today, the Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world. You can find almost everything you need on the Internet, communicate with friends, read news, watch movies, listen to music etc. But you must do all the above things on a computer. Can’t log in the Internet means behind times today.

Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great convenience to human or changed people’s lives, computers have the most valuable contribution to human, and it will have much more contribution in the future.

Topic: 159

Many inventions have greatly changed the life of people.For example,when the electricity was invented,people can use light,so that they would not be afriad of night.When the car was born,people can not have to go everywhere on foot.When the television entered into the history ,people can better know the world.But ,what is one change that should be rememered about in the 20th century,the popularity of computer is undoubtedly the answer.

We can look into every good aspect of the computer,but I want to explore the most important role the computer plays is that it greatly increases the efficiency of working.If you want to type a paper,you do not need to worry about the errors,the word process will examine for you automatically.Also you should not be worried about losing the paper,you an save it in the computer.In fact,that is just a piece of a cake for a computer,it can not represent the function of a computer.When you enter into the international network,the computer will lead you into another world.In this way,you just stay at home,but you can know everything happening in the world in every corner.Isn't it wonderful?Nowadays,many people choose to work at home to do work,as they can connect the offices by a computer.They say it greatly saves much time.

Second,the computer makes the communication much more conventient.In the past,we got the news by posting letters,in this way,it at least needed three days.However,if you send an electronic mail by a computer,you get the news only three seconds.Not only saving the time,but it can intense the emotion if you and your friends communicate more.

Third,computers also bring us much enjoyment.There are many games in the computer,for different kinds of people.So people find another way of relaxing themself except watching TV,seeing films.In fact,the computer games are not just only games,you can learn more from them ,and they can also make you alert.

As the advantanges I explore above,I think the computer should be remembered about in the 20th century.

Topic: 159

There have been many changes, both technological and cultural, in the twentieth century. I believe that one stands out above the rest: advances in medical science. The changes in medical science go together with the changes in technological and cultural

areas. One can move ahead only with the help of the others. We can see the results of medical advances in three areas: development of vaccines and antibiotics, expanded access to health care, and improved surgical techniques.

When medical researchers learned how to prevent disease and stop it from spreading, the quality of life for many people around the world improved. Today smallpox is a forgotten disease and vaccinations are no longer required. Polio is under control and the vaccine is widely available. The development of penicillin has helped many people recover from serious illnesses.

Although health care is not universal even in developed countries, it is much better than it used to be. Local clinics, visiting nurses, and specialty hospitals have all improved the health care for our communities.

If you should be unfortunate and require surgery, you are still lucky to have the surgery today rather than even ten years ago. Now with microscopic and laser surgery, operations are more efficient. You spend less time in the hospital and you recover faster.

I can't think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people. Our health is important to all of us. We all are thankful for advances in the area of medical science.

Topic: 159

There have been many changes, both technological and cultural, in the twentieth century. I believe that one stands out about the rest advances in medical science. The changes in medical science go together with the changes in technological and cultural areas. One can move ahead only with the help of the others. We can see the results of medical advances in three areas: development of vaccines and antibiotics, expanded access to health care, and improved surgical techniques.{小学的20世纪幻想作文}.

When medical researchers learned bow to prevent disease and stop it from spreading, the quality of life for many people around the world improved. Today smallpox is forgotten disease and vaccinations are no longer required. Polio is under control and the vaccine is widely available. The development of penicillin has helped many people recover from serious illnesses.

Although health care is not universal even in developed countries, it is much better than it used to be. Local clinics, visiting nurses and specialty hospitals have all improved the health care for our communities.

If you should be unfortunate and require surgery, you are still lucky to have the surgery today rather than even ten years ago. Now with microscopic and laser surgery,{小学的20世纪幻想作文}.

operations are more efficient. You spend less time in the hospital and you recover faster.

I can't think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people. Our health is important to all of us. We all are thankful for advances in the area of medical science.




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假如我是星星,我愿意紧紧地依偎在月亮婆婆的怀里,听她讲嫦娥、玉兔和桂花树的故事。还会和月亮婆婆说说心里话。就像一个撒娇的孩子,永远和月亮婆婆相亲相爱…… 假如我是星星,我愿做最明亮的一颗,为在夜幕中的行走行人送去一份光亮,也为迷了路的孩子找到回家的路……


假如我是星星,我愿做最善良的一颗,隔着窗户为残疾儿童送去亲切的问候,让他们不再感到孤独,不再感到寂寞。我还会来到医院的窗前,为躺在病床上人送去一声祝福…… 我愿变成一颗小星星,愿意做世界上最平凡而最美丽的一颗!




假如我是星星,我愿意紧紧地依偎在月亮婆婆的怀里,听她讲嫦娥、玉兔和桂花树的故事。还会和月亮婆婆说说心里话。就像一个撒娇的孩子,永远和月亮婆婆相亲相爱…… 假如我是星星,我愿做最明亮的一颗,为在夜幕中的行走行人送去一份光亮,也为迷了路的孩子找到回家的路……


假如我是星星,我愿做最善良的一颗,隔着窗户为残疾儿童送去亲切的问候,让他们不再感到孤独,不再感到寂寞。我还会来到医院的窗前,为躺在病床上人送去一声祝福…… 我愿变成一颗小星星,愿意做世界上最平凡而最美丽的一颗!



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