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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 02:52:18 吸烟作文








Smoking And Health

Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.

However, smoking is harmful to one's ,health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you don't smoke, don't start. Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.































备注:一天只能接受一根敬烟。从第二周不许抽。 有了这样的规矩,我爸爸吸烟数量明显减少了,我还在网上查到多吃西红柿有助于戒烟,我就让妈妈多买些西红柿,在晚上时糖拌西红柿给爸爸吃,爸爸成功的戒掉了烟,对自己的危害减小了,又避免更多的人吸二手烟。


















香烟中含有尼古丁、丙酮、铝、氨/阿摩尼亚、砷、苯等20多种有害物质。其中尼古丁是香烟的主要有效成份,它能刺激人体,会令人上瘾,怪不得外公一天要抽两盒,但是我继续往下看心里很是震惊: 一支香烟所含的尼古丁可毒死一只老鼠;二十支香烟所含的尼古丁可毒死一头牛。铝可引发接触性皮炎,怪不得外公老说他的手臂爱长癣,原来这才是危害外公的罪魁祸首呀;苯是国际癌症研究会列为第一类致癌物质,它易使人激怒、睡意。。。我突然想起来了外婆老说外公是瞌睡虫,一天睡的觉比我还多,我原先以为是人老了才这样,看来都是烟在作怪呀。

医学研究曾证明吸烟者的平均寿命比不吸烟的人士短三年。而肺癌、慢性支气管炎及肺气肿会令人缠绵病榻,痛苦万分。目前全世界共有烟民11亿,估算我国有7 亿人直接或间接(被动)受到吸烟危害。据WHO(世界卫生组织)统计,每年死于吸烟有关疾病的人高达400万,平均每秒钟就有一个人死于吸烟有关疾病。





烟草的烟雾中至少含有三种危险的化学物质:焦油,尼古丁和一氧化碳,焦油是由好几种物质混合成的物质,在肺中会浓缩成一种粘性物质。尼古丁是一种会使人成瘾的药物,由肺部吸收,主要是对神经系统发生作用。一氧化碳能减低红血球将氧输送到全身去能力。 一个每天吸15到20支香烟的人,其易患肺癌,口腔癌或喉癌致死的机率,要比不吸烟的人大14倍;其易患食道癌致死的机纺比不吸烟的人大4倍;死于膀胱癌的机率要大两倍;死于心脏病的机率也要大两倍。吸香烟是导致慢性支气管炎和肺气肿的主要原因,而慢性肺部疾病本身,也增加了得肺炎及心脏病的危险,并且吸烟也增加了高血压的危险。


烟的烟雾(特别是其中所含的焦油)是致癌物质————就是说,它能在它所接触到的组织中产生癌,因此,吸烟者呼吸道的任何部位(包括口腔和咽喉)都有发生癌的可能。 心脏与动脉











烟草的烟雾中至少含有三种危险的化学物质:焦油,尼古丁和一氧化碳,焦油是由好几种物质混合成的物质,在肺中会浓缩成一种粘性物质。尼古丁是一种会使人成瘾的药物,由肺部吸收,主要是对神经系统发生作用。一氧化碳能减低红血球将氧输送到全身去能力。 一个每天吸15到20支香烟的人,其易患肺癌,口腔癌或喉癌致死的机率,要比不吸烟的人大14倍;其易患食道癌致死的机纺比不吸烟的人大4倍;死于膀胱癌的机率要大两倍;死于心脏病的机率也要大两倍。吸香烟是导致慢性支气管炎和肺气肿的主要原因,而慢性肺部疾病本身,也增加了得肺炎及心脏病的危险,并且吸烟也增加了高血压的危险。












是由于肺部清洁的机械效能受到了损害,于是痰量增加了。 膀胱



Harm Of Cigarette

As is known to all,smoking will do harm to people。But why do some People still smoke While knowing it harmful?Or Why giving up smoking is so Difficult?Cigarette Contains 2.5~2.8mg Nicotine,it is very terrible,even can kill a mouse。Some resistant People won't be dead within short amount,but those weak Crowd cannot afford。In addition,Cigarette will also cause some diseases,such as cancer,pneumonia and so on。If we still don't take measures to stop smoking,more and more People will die from it。

2.Health(By Kaiser3344)Health is far more important than wealth and wisdom. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. To keep healthy,we should have a balanced diet.For the purpose of health,we should live in a comfortable house.To make life happy and health,we should make more friends

3.smoking is very harmful to our health. It does great harm not only to our health, but also to our mind, especially for us teenagers. Now more and more people all over the world have given up smoking or have made up their minds to do so, I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country. We should study hard and make progress every day. We should form good habits so that we can spend our time learning things useful and valuable for our motherland and people, I think today's class meeting is very meaningful to my classmates who have a bad habit of smoking.

4.Today smoking is a widespread habit all over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.However, smoking is harmful to one’s health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not

only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Give up smoking! If you don't smoke, don't start. Give up smoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.

6.Tobacco smoke is killing thousands of people every year and injuring hundreds of thousands more every day like children. Federal officials released a massive report that is sparking renewed efforts to ban smoking in public places. Secondhand smoke has been classified as known carcinogen, this classification is only shared by ten other pollutants.(These pollutants include benzene, asbestos and smoke inhaled directly from cigarettes. Govenor Mario Cuomo has asked the Legislature to outlaw smoking on school grounds and antismoking advocates said they would target airlines and fast food chains for similar bans.

The risk of developing lung cancer due to tobacco smoke is 1 in 1,000 for nonsmokers and 2 in 1,000 for nonsmoking spouses of smokers. However, the risk for smokers is 70 in every 1,000.

Passive smoking causes between 150,000 and 300,000 cases of bronchitis, pneumoia and similar infections in children less than 18 months old and worsens the condition of between 200,000 and 1 million asthmatic children. It is pointless to allow people to smoke in one part of a restaurant and not to allow it in another when eventuallly the nonsmoking section breathes in the smoke.

In conclusion, second hand smoke is a human carcinogen that kills about 3,000 U.S. nonsmokers because of lung cancer annually. Cigarette smoke is responsible ffor 150,000 to 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia and other lower respiratory infections in

children up to 18 months of age. Tobacco smoke is also known to cause the build-up of fluid in the middle ear causing various infections. As one can see it is not recommended for people to smoke in public due to the effects it has on smokersa s as well as nonsmokers.

it has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in china. and the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.

nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people'shealth. however, some people still enjoy smoking. why? because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.

in fact, smoking is a bad habit. it can cause a lot of diseases. meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.

therefore, i hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.

it is said that there are about half of people in china are smoking.many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.{吸烟的好处作文}.

as we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. but they are never bored with it. some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

smoking causes many illnesses. a lot of people always cough because of smoking. the most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

in order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. please stop smoking at once.



① Today smoking is a widespread habit all over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but

also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol. However, smoking is harmful to one's health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on. Give up smoking! If you don't smoke, don't start. Give up smoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world

Smokes injurious to health

Smoking in now the society is an extremely universal phenomenon, from old grandfather paternal grandmother, to several year-old young people, they are slurping this unceasingly “the chronic suicide” the toxicant, the people understand a reason – – smoking injurious to health, but understood truly smoking harm person Liao Liao is actually very few. The research proved: If in a family, the husband smokes, the wife does not smoke, is living together frequently, that the wife will result in the lung cancer the opportunity the wife who will not smoke compared to the husband to want high one time to three times in the future. The husband smokes the quantity to be bigger, the wife results in cancer's opportunity to be bigger. If in the family some people smoke, in family's child is easy

bronchitis and pneumonia. We while protect our health, must the environment which lives to us protect, because the cigarette releases the smog is virulent, includes the massive carbon dioxide and other noxious gases, this is one of public place air pollution substantial clauses. Thought that protects homeland which our humanity altogether has, should start from me, starts from the young people, widely thoroughly opens the extension smoke, the smokeless propaganda: For everybody's health, please do not need to smoke!!! not only the smoke is harmful moreover also the air pollution environment to the body. Cigarette's smog is also one kind of important air pollution, moreover does not smoke the person also passive smog pollution. And, inside including several dozens toxic substances and cancer material. In if the family has the smoker, not only affects our youth's growth, moreover can result in diseases and so on tracheitis. If the pregnant woman inhales the smog which the smoke spurts also to return frequently kills by poison her embryo. Why bother? For the health, other people's comfort, borrows the smoke! ~ principle they! ~ said again, what does this thing have well? Today you pulled out have been at heart comfortable, but you think again, what traded was a body's pain! Do not pull out! ~ do not buy again! ~ do not sell again! ~ thanks you to protect our homeland together!

the harm of smoking

If you take notice in some places, you’ll see the fact that most smokers are young people and even some are middle school students. It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about 0.3billion.

Why do so many people smoke? Some think that smoking is pleasure, some believe that they can refresh themselves by smoking. In fact, smoking is a bad habit, which has great harm to people’ health. The study of smoking shows that many kinds of illnesses have something to do with smoking. Smoking itself is a waster. It costs one so much money, Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers. Today more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking. If you’re mot a smoker, don’t start.

③ I attended Tom's birthday party tonight. After dinner, Tom gave out cigarettes to the

boy students present.

At this very point, I made for them an analysis of smoking's bad effects: Smoking is a waste of money and it's greatly harmful to our health. And it can lead to fires easily. But it seemed helpless and they wouldn't listen to me. Somebody even said that body and health belonged to themselves and it's up to them to decide whether to smoke or not. I told him calmly, "Even if you have the right to harm your own body, but it doesn't mean that you have the same right to harm others'."

At last, they agreed with me, and some students said that they would never smoke any longer.

For the next one hour, we danced and sang happily, and nobody did smoke again.. ④ Smoke And Healthy

We meet smokers everywhere. Today smoking becomes a habit all over the world. We have got large population of smokers in China and in the world. Many people think the smoking is a way to enjoy.

More and more young people start to smoke. Smoking is bad for smoker’s health. Smoking can cause of 25 different diseases, such as heart disease and lung cancer. There are almost 30 million people died with smoking. People who die of the lung cancer, over 90% are smokers. In these smokers, 85% are Chinese smoker. Smoking is not only hurts smokers themselves, it also hurts other people. Smoking is also a waste of money for the smokers and their family. It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world.

Sometimes smoking is danger. It maybe causes a fire. Smoking also can pollution our environment. It pollutions our air. it's a large problem.

Luckily, some people have given up smoking. So, we mustn’t smoke and we should help other smokers against smoke. It’s very important to stop smoking. It can be good for the public health

⑤. Why are so many people like smoking? What are the advantages and disadvantages of smoking? And how to give up smoking?

First of all, I will tell you some reasons of smoking. On one hand, it is not surprise that many adults like smoking. I think they may feel annoyed with many things of their work, family or other things. Besides, some people may do not like smoking, but they have to sm

oke on some occasion. On the other hand, some teenagers had begun to smoke when they are at school. They may also feel upset about many things. But I think most of them just feel curious about it.

Then, I will say something bad or good about smoking. As you known, it is bad for our body, just like our lung and our respiratory passage. When you smoke more and more, the function of your lung and your respiratory passage will not work effectively as usual. On the contrary, some people are to raise that some advantages also exist when they smoked. For example, smoking will adjust their mood when they are unhappy. When they are smoking,

Inspiration will come up in their mind suddenly. Also, when they are embarrassed in some occasion, smoking will make them feel relaxed more or less.

Last but not least, even though there are some advantages, we shall call for giving up smoking. But how can make it? Here I will give you some tips. Firstly, try to reduce the number of times gradually. Secondly, get rid of the habit of smoking after supper, and instead with some fruits or drinks. Thirdly, remind yourself often, do not make yourself have many “the last one”, or you will fail to do it.

Give up smoking for your family member and others’ health. And believe yourself, then you will overcome difficulties.



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