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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 02:51:18 英语科技


弹指之间 At Your Fingertips

触控荧幕的应用非常广泛,例如游客导览系 We use touch screens everywhere: tourist 统、自动柜员机、销售点终端机、工业控制系统等。kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale 在2000年,六家专门厂商加上几家大公司的触控terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen 产品部门,总产值高达八亿美元。由于这种介面使vendors, plus in-house departments at major 用方便、经久耐用,而且花费不高,因此市场还在manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 成长之中。 2000. The market is growing because the 触控荧幕可依其侦测触控点的物理原理,分为interfaces are easy-to-use, durable and


生电压;电容式荧幕,手指会吸取微小的电流(常 Touch screens employ one of three physics 用于笔记型电脑的触控板)。至于第三种波动式荧principles for detecting the point of touch. Pressing 幕,则是用声波或红外线覆盖整个表面,而手指或a “resistive” design with a finger or other stylus 触头会阻断这些驻波图样。 raises a voltage. In “capacitive” models, a finger 电阻式荧幕是历史最久、用途最广,也是价格draws a minute current (this method is often used 最低的一种,而且任何触头(无论手指或笔尖)都for cursor pads on notebook computers). In other 可以使用。电容式荧幕必须使用手指,或是接有地designs, a finger or stylus interrupts a standing 线的触头,以便传导电流。波动式荧幕则是最新且pattern of acoustic waves or infrared lights that 最昂贵的类型。表面声波荧幕必须用手指或软式触blanket the surface.

头(例如铅笔上的橡皮擦)轻触,以吸收表面能量; Resistive screens are the oldest, most widely 红外线触控荧幕则可使用任何触头。在实际应用used and least expensive, and they work with any 上,可以同时选用好几种技术,不过基于各技术的stylus (finger, pen). Capacitive screens must be 优缺点,通常导致以下的组合:工业控制系统和掌touched by a finger or an electrically grounded 上型电脑Palm Pilot使用电阻式,自动贩卖机使用stylus to conduct current. Wave screens are the 电容式,自动柜员机及室内资讯站使用波动式。但newest and most expensive. Surface acoustic 是大多数人并不清楚,自己所使用的荧幕是什么类wave screens must be touched by a finger or a 型。 soft stylus such as a pencil eraser to absorb

沈辉斌任职于美国最大的触控荧幕制造商──energy; infrared screens work with any stylus. The 位于加州夫利蒙市的“易触控系统公司”,他提供了different technologies may be used in the same 以下的辨别诀窍。你可用指甲(而不是皮肤)轻压applications, although pros and cons lead to 荧幕,假如荧幕有反应,就可能是电阻式或红外线prevalent combinations: resistive screens for 式荧幕。果真如此,再同时用两根手指分别轻压荧industrial controls and Palm Pilots; capacitive

幕上两点。假如游标移到其中一根手指下方,这装screens for slot machines; wave screens for ATMs 置使用的就是红外线(软体只记录第一个接触点);and indoor kiosks.

假如游标移到两根手指之间,荧幕就是电阻式(两 Most people are unaware of the type of

个接触点皆有影响力)。假如这个装置对指甲毫无screen they are using. But tricks can help you tell, 反应,你的下一步还是用两根手指分别轻压荧幕上according to Frank Shen of Elo TouchSystems in 两点。这时候,如果游标移到其中一根手指下方,Fremont, Calif., the largest U.S. maker. Push the

那么这荧幕使用的原理是声波;假如游标移到两根screen lightly with your fingernail (not your skin). If 手指中间,它就是电容式触控荧幕。

it responds, it could be resistive or infrared. In this case, place two separated fingers against the

screen at the same time. If the cursor moves

beneath one finger, the unit is infrared (software

registers the first touch); if the cursor moves

between the fingers, it is resistive (the points are

averaged). If the unit does not respond to your

fingernail, again place two separated fingers

against it. If the cursor moves beneath one finger,

the unit is acoustic wave; if the cursor moves

between the fingers, it is capacitive.

Science Shows Lying Is Hard Work

A convicted sex offender, released on parole, submits to{关于科技的英文作文}.

a polygraph test.

"Have you ever told even one lie?" asks the examiner.

"No," says the man – and the needles on the polygraph

machine barely shift from their rhythmic movements.

You can guess, of course, whether the man was

answering truthfully – but today's polygraphs cannot. All

they record are pulse, respiration, skin temperature, and

other signs that may suggest whether someone seems

nervous when asked a damning question.

Machines can be fooled, but it may not always be that


"I suspect that it may be much harder to manipulate brain

blood flow," says Dr. Daniel Langleben, an assistant

professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania

Medical School.

Langleben and his colleagues have been experimenting

with computerized brain scans – functional magnetic

resonance imaging. This giant machine can show the

amount of blood flow to different sections of the brain in

precise detail.

They wanted to see what changes could be measured

inside the brain when people are deceitful. They asked

people to lie inside the scanner and lie through their 他们想知道能否测定出说谎者的脑内变化。他们要求受试者在此机扫描时说谎。用电脑将许多受试者说谎的测试结果加权和Langleben博士和他的同事已经试验了一种计算机脑扫描即功能性磁共振成像。这种巨大的机器能精确显示出流到脑不同部位的血流量。 宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的精神病学副教授Daniel Langleben博士说:“我想控制脑血流是非常难的。” 说真话 科学表明 说谎不易 一位因性攻击被定罪的犯人在假释时做测谎试验, 检查人员问:“你曾经说过谎吗?”这个男子说:“没有”。这时,测谎仪的针头仅仅有规则地运动着 当然,你可能猜想这家伙在说假话,但今天所用的测谎仪却不能。它们所能记录的脉搏、呼吸、皮肤温度和其它信号,只能提示某人在回答一个非常不利的问题时似乎有些紧张。 机器可能被愚弄,但它不会总是那么傻。{关于科技的英文作文}.

teeth .when answers from many test subjects were 平均,结果清楚表明当人们说谎时比说真话combined and averaged by a computer, they clearly 时要多用某部份大脑。

showed that when people lie, they use more sections of

the brain than when they tell the truth.

"The question it raised for me is whether, in order to tell a “它提出的问题是,是否为了说谎,你必lie, you need to inhibit something, and whether that

something is the truth," he says. In other words, people

may naturally be truth tellers. The brain works harder to


Langleben was never out to make a better lie detector,

but his research, along with others', could someday lead

to one.



编辑:John C. H. Chen














问题。国际保护阿尔卑斯山组织(International Commission for Protection of the Alps,

CIPRA)的Michel Revaz就表示,制造人造雪要消耗水及能量。而这些人造雪所溶化的水也




Skiers take to man-made slopes

As demand grows for manufactured snow, so does environmental impact.

by Helen Pearson 需抑制某些东西,是否这东西就是真实,” 他说。“换言之,人的本性是要说真话的,说谎对大脑并非易事。” Langleben并未打算制造出一台更好的测谎仪,但他的研究和其它研究成果最终会催生这种机器。 美联社

The 2006 winter Olympics is highlighting winter-sport enthusiasts' growing reliance on man-made snow, and the toll that this addiction could take on the environment.

All competitive ski and snowboarding events now take place largely on man-made snow. Unlike its natural counterpart, the machine-made white stuff can be carefully tweaked to make a more durable and consistent surface: one perfect for record-breaking attempts. The Olympic ski resorts outside Turin, Italy, have extensive snow-making facilities and several new reservoirs were built for the games to supply water for snowmakers. In recent weeks they have been piling on man-made snow, as the natural stuff has proven rather thin on the ground in the Turin area this season.

Snow-making equipment is viewed as essential in most ski areas to guarantee coverage throughout the season. Nowadays, "natural snow is a bonus," says Rich Brown of

snow-making technology company York Snow in Victor, New York, whose systems were used in the 2002 winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, and previous games. Nature's copycats

「It's not clever to build a new piste every four years.」

Michel Revaz The sno

w International Commission for Protection of the Alps (CIPRA), Schaan, Liechtenstein. 'can

nons' or 'guns' that manufacture snow mimic the natural formation of snowflakes. Snow machines typically force pressurized water through a nozzle, breaking it into a mist of tiny droplets, and then use compressed air or fans to blast them into the air. As the droplets cool, the molecules align and crystallize into ice particles.

The art to snow-making is adjusting the water and air to ensure that the water drops are small enough and sent far enough that they will freeze before they hit the ground. If the air temperature is quite high, for example, dropping the water content and upping the air would create smaller particles that are more likely to freeze.

Snow-making machines also frequently incorporate nucleating agents in the water: small quantities of materials such as bacterial protein, on to which the water molecules attach and freeze. By triggering freezing, these agents raise the temperature at which snow can be made.

Many resorts now use sophisticated computer systems that automatically adjust the air and water output from snow machines based on air temperature, humidity and wind, says Brown.

Skiing on ice

For race courses, experts adjust man-made snow to create a tough, fast and icy course rather than a powdery one. A ski course is also heavily groomed and often intentionally flooded to create patches of ice; these factors generally determine the speed of a race. There are other reasons for snow manufacturing to be in demand, beyond the benefits of having a snow whose properties can be ordered up. Some predict that the need for snow will rocket with the warming effects of climate change, which are already pushing snow lines up the Alps.

But this comes with environmental costs, says Michel Revaz, of the International Commission for Protection of the Alps (CIPRA), a conservation group in Schaan,

Liechtenstein. Making snow chews up energy and water, and can rob rivers and creeks in the surrounding ecosystems.

One way to conserve the mountain environment, Revaz says, would be to reuse winter sports competition facilities rather than building new ones. "It's not clever to build a new piste every four years," he says. "It's time to say stop."

Telepathy--mind to mind contact

Telepathy is the ability to communicate

without the use of the five senses(sight, 心灵感应:心与心的交流 心灵感应是不用五官感觉(视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉)来进行交hearing, touch, smell, taste).It is an instinct, 流的一种能力。它是我们许多人体内and although quite dormant in many of us, we 潜在的一种本能。在紧急关头或是需are often capable of tapping into our latent 要的时候, 我们常常都能激发出这种abilities in times of emergency or need. 潜能。

Where this instinct lies is uncertain.Some say 这种本能存在于哪里还无法确定。that it is located in the huge area of our brains 有人说它存在于我们的大脑中完全未that are wholly unused, whereas others argue 使用过的大片区域;然而也有人说, 在that instinct existed before the brain evolved 大脑进化前, 它就已经存在, 因此它and must therefore lie else-where in the body. 必定存在于身体的其他部位。

When we intuitively know that something is 当我们凭直觉知道某些事情正在发happening, or about to happen, our instinct has 生或即将发生时, 我们的本能就已发kicked in.We are drawing upon resources

within the unconscious mind.When the

resources of two unconscious minds link

together into the same frequency, we call it 生作用了。我们正在利用无意识意念中的资源。当两个人的无意识意念资源相互联系而达到同步时, 我们称之为"心灵感应"。


Dear Mr. President,

I’d like to show my opinions on students’ scientific and technological abilities for innovation and give some suggestions. I don’t think our school is well engaged in improving students’ innovation abilities. In my eyes, students in our school do little innovative jobs other than study. In most of their part time, they listen to music, read books, or play computer games, which needn’t be much creative.

In order to improve abilities for innovation, firstly university leaders can show the importance of innovation by lectures, posters, etc. Then secondly, lessons and atmosphere in class can be improved by teachers, for example, to encourage creative thinking and innovative assignments. Finally, large numbers of creative activities such as scientific inventions also help a lot. By participating in those activities, students can not only be more creative, but also enrich their lives.

In a word, scientific and technological innovation is of great importance. With more excellent and creative students in science and technology, our school will be more powerful, so will our country.


Science and technology change our life

With the rapid development of science and technology, our daily life has been changed a lot. New technological inventions begin to play an essential role, for example, the robot can help us clean up and finish much homework. As a result of that, we can spare more time to be dedicated to our job, and we are able to be fully exposed to our hobbies.{关于科技的英文作文}.

Always have some time to hope that their cell phone is "Hello, you dial the number temporarily unable to connect" state. So, we all need a jacket that can mask the mobile phone signal. Dancepants sports music is designed to be two Lithuania designers. The clothes made of this fiber can be used to convert the temperature of the human body into electrical energy, which can be driven by electronic devices such as MP3 players.

Respite of that, some disadvantages of technological inventions may appear. The excessive use of high technology can also make our life be passive. The majorities of us will become lazier men, and they are unwilling to explore minds any longer.

All in all, the improvement of science and technology can smoothly increase the standards of people's life. On the other hand, it may lead to the laziness of people's behavior and mind.

篇四:《英语作文 科技》

Module7 Unit 1 Living with technology

(Reading materials)

21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant effect toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the Internet, computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better.

First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obviously, they did not have the software for calculation. As a result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to

compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the scientists because they can use their time more efficiently.

Also, Internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library and flipping(快速的翻转) all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do research. The Internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life much easier and better. The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone. But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenient to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending letters. It is a very fast and useful way to communicate.

In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in future.

真 题 回 顾

(2010·安徽高考)假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which would you give up: TV, cell, or web? ”为题,写一篇英语短文。

Which would you give up: TV, cell, or web?

We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.

However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet. I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and there’re too many commercials. Besides, most programs on TV are also available elsewhere.

As for cells and the Web, they are more necessary to me. I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family, and almost all information can be gathered on the Internet.



信息时代 _________________




与……保持联系 _______

没有……也行 ____




写 作 训 练





As the society developed, the technology plays a more and more important role . As a fact, high technology helps us a lot .手机和网络的发明使得我们可以通过电话 和网络进行交流①( What's more, thanks to the technology, the cars become more advanced so that we can drive faster and more comfortable.毫无疑问的是我们的 生活被科技所包围着②( .)It really give us a lot of convenience.

But on the other hand, technology also brings some problems. For example, because of the computer,越来越多的人由于沉溺于电脑而无法集中精力学习和工作③( .) In addition, the computers also have radiation that is not good to our health. What's worse,许多国家使用科技来制造武器而危害世界和平④( .) At last, in my opinion, we can't deny the advantage of the technology, but people should use it in a good way and responsibly in order to make our society more beautiful.


我们今天处在科技发展日新月异的信息时代,90% 的科技文献是用英语写成.科技英语文献与普通英语文本从语言结构上看都是由语音、词汇和语法构成,但随着其运用的规范性,科技英语在文体风格上的专业性、客观性和精确性越来越突出,已成为一门独立的文体,它非常注重语义逻辑上的连贯性和表达的明晰性.在翻译过程中应结合科技英语的文体特征力求表达科技英语的专业性客观性和精确性.

1 词汇特点及翻译


( 1) 纯科技词汇,即那些只用于某个专业或学科的专门词汇和术语,如 diode( 二极管) 、isotope( 同位素) 等.由于此类词义精确而狭窄,了解专门词汇和术语是准确翻译的第一步; ( 2) 常用词汇的专业化.有相当多的专门词汇和术语来自英语的常用词汇,但用到某一专业领域却成了专业技术用语,具有严格的科学含义,如Convert the following denary numbers base 8. ( 把下列各十进制换算成以 8 为基值的数) ,base( 基地)意为基值.新兴科学在传统科学的影响下,尽量利用常用旧词,赋新义于旧词;

( 3) 通用科技词汇,即不同专业经常使用的那些词汇,数量较大,出现的频率也高,但在不同的专业里有较为稳定的词义.如 base 一词,在无线电专业词义为“基极”; 在计算机专业词义为“基值”; 在机械专业词义为“机器的底座”在航天科技领域词义为“发射场”; ( 4) 词汇构成的多元化.新的科技词语层出不穷,大量科技新词以借用、合成法、缩略法和派生词等形式出现.以派生词为例,由前缀 hydro -,hyer-和 inter -构成的词条在科技英语中就有 2000 多条.科技文献翻译需要译者既要精通英语,又要懂得专业知识,由于科技英语词汇的复杂多变,科技英语译者要善于通过词汇的专业语境、词语搭配、句法结构及上下文判定词义.以词语搭配为例,动词与名词的搭配,形容词与名词修饰名词在意义上很不相同,如 an efficient exert 和 an efficiency ex-ert分别意为“一个做事高效的专家”和“一个效率专家”.

2 句法特点及翻译


2. 1 无灵名词作主语

英语把表示有生命体的名词列为有灵名词( animate nouns) ,把表示无生命体的名词列为无灵名词( inanimate nouns) .科技文体的第 1 个显着特点是无灵名词作主语的句子很多,这主要是因为科技文献所描述和讨论的是科技事实或科学发现,科技文献所报告的主要是自然的规律或科技活动的成果,因而无人称句子使用频繁.有灵名词和无灵名词作主语的句子使用相同谓语时,意义是不一样的,试比较下列句子的意义: Thegrinding machine refused to stop.磨床就是停不下来. ( 无灵名词作主语) They refuse to give u.他们拒绝放弃.

2. 2 被动语态的广泛应用根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动语态.这是因为根据文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确.第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象,因而被动语态就成了追求叙述客观性和规范性的一种重要语言手段.例如: E-lectrical energy can be stored in two metal batteriesseparated by an insulating medium. Such a device iscalled a capacitor,and its ability to store electrical en-ergy is termed capacitance. It is measured in farads.这段短文中各句的主语分别为: Electrical energy;

Such a device; its ability to store electrical energy; It( Capacitance) .它们都包含了较多的信息,并且处于句首的位置,非常醒目.此外,4 个主语完全不同,避免了单调重复,前后连贯,

自然流畅.被动结构确实表达简洁客观的效果.事实上,英语被动语句中常用的 by 在日常英语中多表达行为的执行者,在科技英语中,则常可表达方式、手段或原因状语.

2. 3 使用科技长句的倾向科技英语表达科学原理、规律、概念以及各事物之间错综复杂的关系,而复杂的科学思维往往无法使用简单句来表达,所以语法结构复杂的长句较多应用于科技英语.了解英语长句的“树状”结构,明确主句的主语、谓语和宾语及从句和修饰成分的引导词,分析几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系,再按照汉语的特点和表达方式,正确地译出原文的意思,不必拘泥于原文的形式.例如: Behaviorists suggest that the child who is

raised in an environment where there are many stimuliwhich develop his or her capacity for appropriate re-sponses will experience greater intellectual development.行为主义者认为,如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素,如果这些因素能培养其适当反应的能力,那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平.本句的主语为“behaviorists”,谓语是动词“suggest”,宾语是一个宾语从句,由连词“that”引导.该宾语从句中,主语部分是“the child...re- sponses”,其中“the child”是主语,其后面跟有 3 个限制性定语从句 : 第 1 个是由关系代词“who”引导; 第 2 个是由关系副词“where”引导; 第 3 个是由关系代词“which”引导.本句翻译的难点在把“which”引导的定语从句译为状语从句,把动词短语“experience greater intellectual development”,译为“智力发展到较高的水平”,更符合汉语表达.英语的句子结构和叙述方式与汉语不同,在阅读英语长句时容易造成思维阻断,遇到长句时以句 法和逻辑为导向,采用抓句子核心的理解方式是切实可行的.科技英语在其演变和发展过程中逐渐形成自身特有的体裁或文体风格,汉英科技英语翻译应忠实原义、逻辑正确、语言通顺,在实践中应遵循深刻理解原义,确切表达合乎科技文章的语言结构特色的译文的原则.科技英语翻译工作者除了要有良好的专业知识外,了解科技英语与普通英语文体的差异,掌握一些科技文章的语言结构特色,对于科技翻译无疑是大有裨益的.

篇六:《英语作文Science and technology》

Science and technology

Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables at the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out.

However, science and technology have also brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of at kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace

so it's urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.{关于科技的英文作文}.





Do science and technology change our lives for the better or for the worse?

Nowadays,with the development of science,our life has a geat historic change than before. Simultaneously,the changes were so rapidly that taking so many problems. The argument about the development of science and technology hence became ineluctable.

Some people held the view that the development of science and technology was good. They believed that the advantage outweighed the disadvantage. Owing to the development of science and technology,our life could get great abundant and convenient. The invention of electric light,new transportation,Internet –Nobody did not benefit from the development of science and technology. Comparing with the past time,the health of human and the standard of our life had changed a lot…… Nothing what having great improve did not depend on the development of science and technology. We would lose everything we had got if we lost it. However,the other people insisted that the disadvantage outweighed the advantage. The matters that science and technology took were unprecedented in spite of benefiting from the development of science and technology. The first problem was the pollution. It was the most immediate problem that the science and technology took. Not only our water,but also our food became more and more insecure due to the pollution. Moreover,we must care about our world to ensure it did not ruin by the war that new technology supported. The destruction of science and technology was lethal and unimaginable. Nevertheless,there was another thing we have to face:the MRSA. Nowadays,the modern means of science and technology couldn't deal with this problem caused by itself. So they had to say that the development of science and technology enhanced the fatalness of our life.

Anyway,every coin has its two sides. So,we should be more dialectical when we do with the problem. Only in this way could we let the science and technology serve for human better and better.


At this time of year, few sights more evoke feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree.

The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread

In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife. We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders; and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbolof hope in their own Commonwealth communities.

Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead — I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.

It also allows us to reflect on the year that has passed, as we think of those who are far away or no longer with us. Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard. But it's also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.

It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services ,The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

One cause for thankfulness this summer was marking 70 years since the end of the Second World War. On VJ Day, we honoured the remaining veterans of that terrible conflict in the far east, as well as remembering the thousands who never returned.

The procession from Horse Guards Parade to Westminster Abbey must have been one of the

slowest ever, because so many people wanted to say thank you to them.

At the end of that war, the people of Oslo began sending an annual gift of a Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square. It has 500 light bulbs and is enjoyed not just by Christians but by people of all faiths, and of none. At the very top sits a bright star, to represent the star of Bethlehem.

The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Albert's time. For his family's tree, he chose an angel, helping to remind us that the focus of the Christmas story is on one particular family.

For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesus's



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